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ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:
"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.
If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.
There is no pro-capitalist Left. That’s a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."
jesus christ these comments are terrible
No lies detected.
Everyone is so eager to upheld their extreme positions, that the real work, that need to happen in the middle, by people that work together and are willing to compromise, never gets done.
To be honest, I stopped paying attention years ago. The negative effects of getting pissed by all that stupid shit going on far outweighs the positive change I am able to create. I can’t even be sure that my point of view is right. Why even bother…
Ignorance sure can be bliss.
Ignorance sure can be bliss.
If you’re privileged enough, meanwhile your ignorance and apathy impact those of us who aren’t so lucky.
As for
the real work, that need to happen in the middle, by people that work together and are willing to compromise, never gets done.
I wonder why that might be…
A compromise wouldn’t be between the extremists on one side and the rationalists on the other.
It would be between the rationalists on both sides.And being a centrist doesn’t mean you take the exact middle point between two extremists on every issue anyway.
It’s about weighing up the pros and cons of both arguments, and deciding on a solution that minimises the cons of each side.
Ah yes, because the rationalists who want to kill black people are so much better.
That’s clearly not a rational view.
There are extremists and rational people on both sides of the political spectrum, and most rational people don’t associate with the extremists.Bucketing everyone who doesn’t share the same views as you into the same group as the extremists is just a way to feel right about your own beliefs.
“There’s no point trying to reason with the monsters on the other side, they believe [extremist view]!”
This isn’t a personal attack, both sides do it, and it’s a very common mindset in echo-chambers like lemmy.
I just don’t think it’s a productive way of thinking.
If you could just understand that creating the narrative of you against them doesn’t help at all. Don’t you see how you are pushing everyone away that doesn’t think the same as you?
Now I am the asshole too. What a joke…
So where do Co-ops fall, one where all the workers own everything equally and vote on hiring and firing etc?
Socialism. Plenty of models that use or aspire to that system, especially when it’s part of a larger capitalist society and one can’t expect the workers to change it all.
Few large coops are truly equal partnerships or that democratic though.
Generally speaking, what prevents it from falling under capitalism is non-transferable ownership stakes. Otherwise the workers can sell their stake and the system inevitably declines into capital interests hiring employees instead of a partnership.
Isn’t a co-op just an individual organization where the workers have already seized the means of production and share it fairly among themselves? With every worker having a say right? Sounds like socialism on a small scale to me.
To people using this as a reason to not vote: It’s going to be capitalism. You have a choice between free for all capitalism with fuck the environment and fuck the workers (GOP), or regulated capitalism with environmental protections and workers rights (Dems). If you don’t vote or vote third party, you just voted for the free for all one.
What fucking dem party are you talking about?
What is Finland though? Social democracy seems pretty good but still fits in with capitalism as far as I can tell
Neoliberal, just like the rest of the “socialist” nordics (E: having socialised aspects to the state and or economy, or even being a “social democracy” does not socialism make), which are all on the exact same trajectory as the rest of us, only a few years behind.
Since people don’t work for free and some people have more money than others, finland is obviously an extreme right wing faschist oligarchy where people live in miserable slavery and needs the proletariat red army invasion like right now. Wouldn’t even be hard for a landlocked nation. The capital Reykvetsvhik would fall in minutes thanks to the liberated people welcoming their saviors.
Yes im American, how could you tell? /S
Whatever social safety nets and programs they have will be dismantled as Western capitalism devours itself. As is happening all around Europe
Can you point to any sources or are you just making it up?
We already see a lot of talk of Cutting back on social spending in favor of military spending.. There’s also the pension and retirement changes most of Europe has already implemented to some degree. It’s likely we’ll see changes as drastic as what the UK are doing right now in the coming years, specially if the war in Ukraine doesn’t go the way of NATO.
The changes in pension spending all over Europe are caused by demographic changes, not capitalism. There are more and more retirees becoming older and older, while the working population stays the same or shrinks. A socialist state would have the exact same problems to pay for that.
So there is nothing saying that it will happen and that all welfare will be gone.
Will we be worse off for a while? Yeah, Europe isn’t in a great situation now with the fairly recent COVID outbreak, economic problems, the attempted invasion and ongoing war in Ukraine, energy problems, and climate change. While the future isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, it isn’t as bleak as you made it in your earlier comment. There isn’t anything pointing to the total collapse of welfare and/or the entire economy.
Finland still pollutes the world at unsustainable levels, exploits the global south for raw materials and cheap labour, and is on a downwards trend to fascism like all of Europe. Liberal democracy only has one conclusion, and it’s fascism.
“Perfect being the enemy of good [enough]” is also rhe argument republicans use against any liberal/social policy. If there are any flaws, we should do nothing at all.
Liberals also love saying that to justify “vote blue no matter who.” But what have the Democrats been doing differently other than giving breadcrumb policies?
Sorry liberals, but the truth is that you guys also benefit from the status quo at the expense of the working class but don’t want to admit. Senior Democrat leader, Nancy Pelosi is, after all, the biggest player in the stock market earning millions. If America has a multiplural party system and could articulate their positions better, the Democrats are centre right and would be very much described as close to centrist French president’s Macron neoliberal ideology. Socially liberal but economically conservative, and he’s one of the most unpopular president in French politics. He dislikes the far right, and yet does nothing policy-wise to alleviate the working and middle class concerns which only slowly nudges them to the far right. Doing nothing economically and telling people to support the status quo is tacit support for the far right despite hating them on the outset.
I don’t think you’ll find anyone here defending Nancy Pelosi, she can go against the wall with the rest of them.
I’m not even sure the liberals you’re talking to are on lemmy honestly.
You’re right capitalism is healthy and good for us
Left and right are completely arbitrary semantic categories so you can define them however you like, as long as it has a clear and internally consistent definition.
I’ve even seen ancaps who have almost the same definition as I do but completely reversed which is pretty funny but also gives me a headache.
left = not capitalism
right = capitalism
this definition has formed since more or less (…) since the french revolution and has consolidated along with capitalism itself.
Woll, not that far back, after all the terms came later, but it was fairly set by the turn of the century.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
This is very stupid.
Not all capitalism is completely unrestrained.
Keynesian economic policy resulted in unprecedented prosperity for 60 years. It ended by Reagan’s trickle down supply side economics.
Seems now there’s a false dichotomy between supply side economics (which is an obvious failure) and communism (which was an obvious failure).
Crazy idea, maybe we should consider using economic policy that was proven to work? I guess that makes me hated by both the “right” and the “leftists” (two peas in a pod). So where would that put me in your made up political spectrum?
It’s not perfect, but it’s they best we’ve been able to make work with so far. What he have right now is unbridled capitalism which isn’t good even for those at the top because it will lead to total economic collapse. Capitalism works best under tight regulation. Which we don’t have right now.
Stop. Get help. Defining things to make sure your position is the right one and the only correct position is the one that does no harm to anyone and is in no way evil or exploitive. STOP.
It is not useful, it is not constructive. While you’re lecturing about who has the correct beliefs to have a place at your little left wing table, a billionaire has gotten more wealth and power. Find common ground with people who work, and who believe in working to make the world better for society. It is more important to do something beneficial than to make sure you can’t be logically judged poorly.
Go help someone. Go work to improve your community. Go find common ground with the people who are doing the same.
Man where was this even handiness this last election?
DiD yOu ThInK aBoUt ThE gEnOcIdE?
Hear hear.
This is exactly the right thing to say here. Bravo.