Compelling characters, good actors, interesting topic. I wasn’t convinced with the trailer, but gave the first episode a try and got hooked.
What is everyone’s opinion?
i loved this show… it is a little hmm… ‘friendsy’ in that here is a bunch of beautiful people in a beautiful place with no money problems. that said, its a character piece and how we handle emotion and social interaction.
I want a Derek
derek #1 is one of my favorite characters. just goin with the flow. it made that little snafu with his wife so much more poignant.
I didn’t like it… I wanted to, but I felt the adults in the show were acting like teenagers. They didn’t have any maturity or confidence whatsoever.
I think it appeals to teenagers because when you are one, you can identify with the adults here. But for me, an older guy, it felt a bit awkward to watch.
im also kinda older, but i disagree here. in this show when push comes to shove, they [eventually] make the hard choices and have the hard conversations.
dude with parkinsons owns his illness conceding his independence. two dudes on the brink of the next level of their lives take the leap and adopt despite their fear. father and daughter accept the moms death and integrate that tragedy into their lives. successful daughter is confronted and owns her family responsibilities shes been ignoring.
all of this takes a level of confidence and maturity teens dont always have.
I’ve been in from the get-go. I find that I enjoy shows more if I want to like them beforehand and the casting decisions help a lot. Harrison Ford and Jason Segel are solid casts, as is that plastic woman from Scrubs. I forget her name. Ted McGinley is also great in it. And then there’s Brett Goldstein who was excellent in Ted Lasso who just knocks his role out of the park. Music is great throughout, dialogue is strong, character development is excellent.
All in all it’s a 9.5 for me. There is just one point of criticism on my end. It is portrayed as something close to possibly being real. The characters are perhaps a little too capable of changing, too capable of growth and too understanding sometimes. People generally aren’t really like that, sadly. It’s the same issue I have with The Rookie, it gets a little too wholesome sometimes.