Is it Carbon Tax Carney? Canapé Carney? Redistribution Carney? Right now, Canada's Conservatives can't even settle on a nickname for their likely opponent in the next federal election, much less a compelling argument against his candidacy.
I wanted electoral reform but I think going for it would have been a mess.
No two major parties agreed on what should replace FPTP.
If the liberals had used a majority to unilaterally rewrite our elections that sets a bad precedent (Not that precedent seems to matter much these days).
He had a majority, didn’t need any input from other parties. He didn’t want to do it because he knew it would stop him from getting a majority at the next election. It’s that simple.
I wanted electoral reform but I think going for it would have been a mess.
No two major parties agreed on what should replace FPTP.
If the liberals had used a majority to unilaterally rewrite our elections that sets a bad precedent (Not that precedent seems to matter much these days).
He had a majority, didn’t need any input from other parties. He didn’t want to do it because he knew it would stop him from getting a majority at the next election. It’s that simple.
fascists worldwide have already set that precedent.
The irony is, the FPTP system is now likely going to hammer the Liberals into oblivion. Funny how that ol’ irony works.