COUTTS, AB - Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has arrived on foot at the Coutts-Sweet Grass border crossing station, petitioning for refugee status in the US on the grounds of being persecuted in her home country.
Jason Kenney stepped down due to numerous scandals and mishaps. The conservative party of Alberta (The UCP) then held a members only vote to elect their new fuhrer.
70k people picked her in a province of multiple million
Upon having it explained to her that applying for asylum in the United States first requires one to register with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Smith exclaimed “But I’m white,” before demanding to speak to the concierge at Mar-A-Lago
I can’t believe we voted her in. I mean I can because Albertans are gullible morons, but I can’t believe it got this bad.
She wasn’t ‘voted in’ in the traditional sense…
Jason Kenney stepped down due to numerous scandals and mishaps. The conservative party of Alberta (The UCP) then held a members only vote to elect their new fuhrer.
70k people picked her in a province of multiple million
There was an election since the last UCP leadership race which they won.
Just checking you’re aware the article is satire.
Is it though?
You can tell its satire because it sounds less insane than any of the real things Smith says or does on a daily basis.
I’d argue that even knowing the article is satire, their comment stands.
Oh I know.