Hey all, sincerely hope you’re well.

Many of our American posters are gathering together with family and friends today. They’re likely to hear plenty of awful takes from their liberals. Unscratched, freshly scratched, or pre-scratched chuds alike, there are sure to be brainworms all around the table and openly airing their unhinged grievances. Please feel free to share their awful takes here. This thread is open for supporting one another, venting, laughing at bad family takes (both stale and bespoke).

This thread is intended to be a supportive space to bring the community together. Please be kind to one another. As always, discussion of struggle sessions or attempts to relitigate them will not be permitted.

Have fun and keep cozy! comfy

  • Real_User [any]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    My spouse’s mom brought edibles to thanksgiving for us to take before having to interact with the rest of the family, and boy howdy did I underestimate her tolerance for weed. I took a quarter of one of her supergummies and I’m melting

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    This year is the third year where my extended family has completely severed ties with me in regards to family events/holidays.

    The reason hasn’t been given to me directly, but based on what my father has told me it’s probably because I’m non-binary or that I’m “scary” to all my evangelical family because I work out, I wear thick eyeliner and I have bracelets with spikes. Like I’m clearly some type of queer leftist punk by demeanor and appearance and that’s simply who I am and have been for a long time. My grandmother died of covid in 2021, days before the vaccine was commercially available. She was the matriarch of the whole extended family and she loved me dearly. No one would dare speak against her in regards to me being present. I was tolerated so long as meemaw would shoot them a dirty look or brandish her wooden spoon if someone started speaking ill of me. My meemaw was an absolute real one, grew up in poverty in the 1930s, daughter of a community pastor, and overall the sweetest person I’ve ever known. She had such an immense love inside of her. She practically raised me too, I got my first lessons from her on why racism is evil and how you should treat people with kindness and appreciation.

    Now that she’s gone the matriarch and planner seems to be my deranged fundamentalist aunt. At one point my aunt was the principal of my middle school where she was known by the students as “lady Hitler.” She would frequently make disparaging remakes about the Latino students and once made a morning announcement that all Christians should be wary of secret Muslims sneaking into America. This was in the early 00s so she never got fired for blatant discrimination like that, instead she ended up superintendent of the whole district a few years later.

    Yeah so if my aunt is in charge of extended family plans, I’m probably never going again. My parents, bless them, actually didn’t attend thanksgiving last year or this one because they figured out I was deliberately excluded. Apparently there was an incident where my uncle tried shooting the shit with his brother (my dad) in 2022 about me. Uncle was saying something to the effect of “this is a lot nicer without that commie (slur) isn’t it?” He said this thinking my dad would go along with it, but it ended up turning into shouting. Dad actually defended me, said I was smarter and more kind than anyone at the whole table. I’m just some dumb goofus, but it touched me to hear my dad defended me like that from all the bullies in my family.

    My parents are actually super chill with me, despite being a little nuts and racist themselves, they’re just standard American type of deranged, not the red pill maga christian fascist type of American. So my parents don’t tolerate their kids being called slurs or disparaged by family, thankfully.

    Anyway. I’m thankful that I’m healthy and I have two lovely cats. I only have one human friend, but she’s very dear to me. And you’re all my comrades and you’ve always been super nice to me. Thank you

  • Hohsia [any]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    Love to get ruthlessly dogpiled for being the only one to make thanksgiving political when I tell someone that “No, actually Europe is not an authoritarian country for having different driving tests than the United States”


      • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        I failed my driving exam, in the U.S., twice, but it was for total fucking bullshit. One failure she claimed I was speeding. No, I was watching my speedometer, I never went over 35. The second failure it was LIGHTLY RAINING, like, imagine the lightest fucking rain imaginable. I got failed for not turning my windshield wipers on automatic… I was just manually operating them as needed. Because it was barely fucking raining. But I got this “blah blah blah state law when it’s raining you gotta turn on the wipers” bullshit. Fuck those assholes, wasting my fucking time on absolute nonsense.

    • mkultrawide [any]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      When you are in a situation like this, the best way to argue is to pretend to be a dumbass and ask lots of questions you already know the answer to, especially questions that are “But doesnt the US do that with xyz?”

    • dustbunnies [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      mine is going to graduate high school next spring and has been lauded by teachers and friends’ parents for being a good kid – I am delighted to report that you absolutely do not need to beat your kids, you just need to talk to them like they are people with their own needs and desires

  • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    It’s been a year since I spoke to my family, and this is the first thanksgiving I’m missing. I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired of never having my thoughts and feelings taken seriously, either because I’m a child and therefore lesser than my parents, or because I’m a communist. They begged me to be a libertarian instead a couple years ago, lmao (they’re liberals, or at least they think they are). The final straw was Palestine. Everyone called me antisemitic last Thanksgiving, and I’m not dealing with that again.

    The distance has let me reflect on how my parents raised me. Although they never hit me, there were a few fucked-up situations that with hindsight prove they never respected me. They think they love me, but they don’t. They love the concept of me as a relatively successful son, and familial peace.

    It would be nice to have a family, but I’m so exhausted by it. I’ve never really had a good relationship with my family, so I don’t even know what it would look like if I forgave them and they magically changed how they speak to me. I hope they get over their racism and transphobia, but I can’t try to change them anymore

    I already had a wonderful friendsgiving with a bunch of lovely people, and I’m going to my friend’s family’s Thanksgiving tonight. She’s lost family in Gaza and the West Bank this year.

    • sewer_rat_420 [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Im glad you arent being subjected to that this year. Even if it isnt 100% easy you deserve your peace to be respected. You can be a successful son in ways that they dont even understand, contributing to the well being of others rather then leeching off of them

    • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      The distance has let me reflect on how my parents raised me. Although they never hit me, there were a few fucked-up situations that with hindsight prove they never respected me. They think they love me, but they don’t. They love the concept of me as a relatively successful son, and familial peace.

      I had a similar experience, but didn’t begin to hit the “rails” with them until I had my own kid.

  • FumpyAer [any, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    My family is at least liberal so it’s not that bad. Actually, my uncle called the Senate a “reactionary institution” out of nowhere. waow-based

    Someone in my family told me he did an environmentalist adventure-time at one point, so he’s a pretty cool guy.

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    “I hope I can avoid chuds on Thanksgiving.”

    monkey’s paw curls and im surrounded by white PMC liberals.

    Wish me luck chat, into the lion’s den I go. I’ll try not to fedpost IRL to maintain Hexbear’s opsec.

    Edit: Maine.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Reasons Kopmala lost the election:

      “She’s a woman. And she’s black.”

      “Russian election interference.”

      “Didn’t have enough time to get her campaign going.”

      “Trump supporters infiltrated her campaign and sabotaged it with overspending.”

      “She didn’t know what her staff was doing and how they were misappropriating campaign funds.”

      “Articles about her low polling numbers is fake news.”

      “Something is off and I can’t put my finger on it.”

      Not mentioned? Palestine. Inflation. Outflanking Republicans from the right. Police brutality. College funding. Healthcare reform.

      Really activates the almonds on Main Street.

      • dustbunnies [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        “Trump supporters infiltrated her campaign and sabotaged it with overspending.”

        but of course! they are famously fans of overpriced salads

        “She didn’t know what her staff was doing and how they were misappropriating campaign funds.”

        who can say who ordered these overpriced out-of-state salads?

      • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        Got that too. Also, grocery prices aren’t even part of “the economy” and if you think they are you’re (r-slured), believed the Russian lies, and you don’t deserve to speak because you don’t know anything about “economics” even if I’ve read like 5 textbooks on economics.

        The economy = GDP apparently. Here I thought it was all the resources and labor of a nation and their movement, and GDP was just a measure of one aspect thereof.

  • Hohsia [any]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    Can’t take this shit anymore dog. Just going about my life, seeing the same old traditionalist bullshit and family values pervasive notions that are fucking cancer cells. The same garbage that causes generational trauma, treating your fucking kids like livestock and comparing their “beauty” and “purity” seems like something out of a parody of a crumbling fascist society (if it quacks like a duck)

    No politics talk but this shit is oozing conservative values. A great example why I don’t give a fuck if you call yourself liberal or republican while living this Godamn life and continuing the cycle that should be dismantled

  • this_dude_eating_beans [any]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    Thanksgiving for me is really just a chance to have dinner and spend time with my in laws. They’re in their 70s and a lot of fun. They showed me their weed plant they’ve been growing and I brought them some sparkling weed water I got in Chicago.