The woman, Talisa Coombs, told Delaney she’d just gotten into what she alleged was a physical altercation with her granddaughter’s mother, Maria Pike, and called 911. Independence police’s response to that 911 call ended with the shooting death of Pike, 34, and her two month old daughter, Destinii Hope — who were identified Tuesday by authorities from the Police Involved Investigative Team, or PIIT, a team of eastern Jackson County detectives called in to investigate police shootings and use-of-force incidents.

The officer who fired his weapon was “a long-tenured veteran of law enforcement,” Dustman said. That officer and another two who were at the scene are on administrative leave.

    4 months ago

    My husband is brown, and had a cop intentionally try to antagonize him into responding emotionally so the cop could violently arrest him.

    Used aggressive language, threats to bring him to the station, veiled threats alluding to a guy who had been paralyzed and left in a coma by police the week before. It was sick and fucked up. It left my husband literally shaking afterwards. I’ve never seen him scared like that. I hate that cop with every fiber of my being. My husband is a gentle, kind, and loving person just trying to get his car fixed.

    His offense that got him pulled over? Going to the mechanic to get his car fixed so it would pass emissions and we could update the registration.

    To folks reading this, cops will absolutely try to antagonize you and escalate the situation. Don’t let them. It gives them every excuse to shoot you and get away with it.

    Cops can go fuck themselves to death.

      4 months ago

      My worst experience was one time driving with my old man. I was a kid at the time in 6th grade. Probably the shortest skinniest and we both are nerd types wearing glasses. He was already in his 50s or 60s, white hair and all. Anyway he was driving his old dodge ram which had a steering problem. Some might know what I’m talking about…you tighten up the steering one week and then next week it’s a little loose, like you pull straight and it either goes left or right. So you constantly had to turn the car left or right the entire time. So the cop naturally pulls us over that night 4 blocks from the house. “Why were you swerving!!”. My dad didn’t speak English so I had to translate to the office that was a mechanical issue. So I was like, I’ll get off so I can explain. I opened the door and this other cop who I hadn’t noticed just rammed the fucking door on my face. And I’m supposed to love and respect these fucks? And I won’t go into detail on what they did to my dad with his heart bypass, glasses and visible frail. Fuck cops. I didn’t turn into Elon musk and have my own musk flying rocket, super underground digging machine, battery making company or car making company. But I am a successful regular person and I don’t need a fucking cop in my daily commute but every day I have to drive exactly 20mph in front of a school or the cop will pull me over. I’ve seen the cop pull over cars going 21mph. It’s like dude, 21mph is still fine! I’m driving 16 to 19, just trying to stay alive. Oh and then there’s these other two sections of the road. One has a tree with dark shadows…and a fucking cop in there hiding. The other is a sharp turn on a freeway ramp…and a fucking cop waiting for you in case you like to joy turn into the freeway. Fucking cops.