There’s a quiet transport revolution going on in different corners of the UK, from “the world’s most ambitious and complex autonomous bus system” in Edinburgh, to a minibus network in Milton Keynes that picks you up and drops you off (almost) wherever you want. This long read contains clues to a “small vehicle-small infrastructure” vision of public transport that is likely to be a big part of all our futures.

  • Blake [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The ruling class know fine well that funding public transport would solve a lot of problems, but the problem is that it would also reduce profit for a lot of industries. So that’s why it doesn’t happen and why it won’t happen, if anyone was wondering.

    The obsession with technical solutions (like these self-driving buses) is because it gives them an excuse to funnel more wealth to the wealthy.

    That’s what it’s all about, it’s what it has always been about. If we want to improve our world then the people with power need to be stripped of that power, completely and utterly.