My line of argument does not require that the oil be used here.
London-based writer. Often climbing.
My line of argument does not require that the oil be used here.
And they said British manufacturing was dead.
Well, we need both and we should keep exploring both, although we can probably get away from gas sooner.
Norway is actually a great example of what I think we should do: keep using oil in order to fund a rapid transition to green power. It’s working well for them!
If it was in my power, I would certainly jail the CEOs and nationalise the oil companies, so I’m with you there.
However, stopping oil immediately before alternatives are in place would be a humanitarian disaster.
The government is investing record amounts in green energy, approving record numbers of green projects and rewriting planning law so it can approve even more.
Honestly assumed this would be some dreadful sex thing, then laughed out loud when I found out it was ‘I’m glad one of my constituents was hit by a truck’.
I didn’t say the Saudis would produce less, I said we’d use the same amount but buy more off the Saudis.
We do need to move away from oil dependence (and we are), but until we do that, we need oil from somewhere and we may as well get it here.
If we immediately stopping drilling for oil here, we won’t use less oil, we’ll use the same amount of oil, but buy it off the Saudis, who suck.
The problem with ‘cracking down’ on benefits is identical with the problem of ‘cracking down’ on immigration. These things are just not real problems and the people who think they are problems are flat wrong. You can’t do anything about unreal problems, because the people who believe in the fake problems just don’t believe in reality.
Wind up music boxes. I don’t know why, but regardless of the melody they play, I find them super creepy.
She said she wanted people to integrate better. Now she says she will make it harder to integrate. She is not a serious person.
Love the idea that the Enterprise just flies about blasting its own theme tune on every subspace channel.
The Marxists Internet Archive has a huge amount of left/communist non-fiction. It’s very broad in its scope, so there’s Stalin and Mao on there alongside William Morris and HG Wells. You could also check out Timothy Snyder and Rebecca Solnit, who both had interesting books about resisting fascism from a more contemporary viewpoint.
In fiction, there’s The Man in the High Castle, by Phillip K. Dick, which has a similar alt history concept as Roth’s The Plot Against America. And of course there’s George Orwell’s writing, both fiction and non-fiction, much of which explores the nature of fascism. I’d also recommend Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits, if you like magical realism.
Ref said next time someone ran in to start a fight, they’d be binned. So why is Lowe still on to make that try happen? Come on.
That was never a push!
If you can’t persuade people to vote for this stuff, how are you going to persuade them to go on strike for it?
Incredible kick to set up that try. All in a day’s work for Dupont, of course!
Seems really good, thanks!
Actual lol, cheers.
It’s interesting you cite Norway because as I said elsewhere in this thread, they are a major oil producer and exporter who are also committed to green infrastructure. That’s the exact approach I think we should take!
You are right that we have a lot of encouraging tech but deploying that takes time and money, and often an ‘upfront’ increase in carbon emissions. Other tech looks good but hasn’t been proven to scale up or is still in the trial stage (as you akcnolwedge).
As I said, I agree with you that Norway is the model to follow; but they produce a lot of oil.