Reminder that getting control of the house and senate could make stuff like this potentially get through

This proposal is not only one that expands the number of justices over time but alter things like the court’s shadow docket, require justices to release tax returns, and more

  • @Rivalarrival
    44 hours ago

    Eliminate the fixed size of the court entirely. We don’t need to define 9 or 15 people.

    Every presidential term, the president appoints two new candidates, 9-15 months after the presidential election, and 9-15 months after the midterms. We do not fill any vacated seats.

    That resolves the problems with multiple seats unexpectedly swinging on a small court, and limits the effects a single president can have on the court. Yes, the numerical swings can be as large, but the percentage swings will not be; the court will likely fluctuate between 15-20 justices.

    Now to fix the Senate playing games…

    First, we establish a line of succession with the circuit courts. The chief judges of the circuits, in line of seniority, then every other active judge. Every case before SCOTUS requires at least 6 justices to hear the case. If the court falls below 6, the next judge in line is automatically elevated to the court. If the court is larger than 6, but due to recusals or abstentions, fewer than 6 are able to hear the case, the next judges in line are automatically, but temporarily elevated to hear that case. Only when we have exhausted all judges from the district courts does the president get additional, temporary appointments.

    Any appointment to the circuit court requires senate confirmation. After we enact this, any judge confirmed to a district court could (eventually) find themselves on the court. Their confirmation thus includes the (remote) possibility that they will be elevated to the court. So any circuit court appointment after this goes into effect also serves as a SCOTUS confirmation.

    When it comes time for the president to appoint a candidate to SCOTUS, anyone who has previously been confirmed to the line of succession can be immediately elevated to the court, without needing additional confirmation.

    Where the president and Senate are sympatico, the president can choose anyone they want. When they are at odds, the president still has a list of pre-approved candidates the Senate can’t block.

      21 hour ago

      I think it would even be better to allow the president to appoint two new justices and the two most senior judges have to step down. It would make the turn over high enough that we don’t end up with corrupt trash like we have now for decades. Not until death the way it is now.

    7 hours ago

    We can also ask for term limits and other structural things that require a Constitutional Amendment, but we need to do this first.

    Then, after passing the law, go to Republicans and say “There! We undid your fucking up of the courts. You have a choice now: either work with us on a constitutional amendment to help us fundamentally restructure the Court and make is less political, or watch us appoint all these Liberal judges to lifetime appointments and you roll the dice on getting control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress to re-fuck it at some nebulous point in the future”.

        12 hours ago

        You need a supermajority of states to ratify an amendment, and there is no reason for Republican-led states to back any amendment that will reform the current court. But add six young liberal justices with lifetime tenure, and now they will go out of their way to pass an amendment to term-limit the,.

    5913 hours ago

    Requiring the HIGHEST JUSTICES in the Country to NOT take Bribes from Defendants or Plaintiffs depending on the case is DEEP STATE WOKE SOCIALISM!

    013 hours ago

    Sounds good to me but:

    One of the three co-equal branches (Executive, Legislative, Judicial) limiting another can’t last without popular appeal or a Constitutional Amendment.

    Even trying to explain that to the average U.S. voter is a lot.

        7 hours ago

        The 250 year old document establishing the government makes everything clear as mud, but outside of eating mud pies, I am not an expert.

        Edit I got some meaty responses, look to that

      2713 hours ago

      The idea that one branch limiting another requires “popular appeal or a Constitutional Amendment” is a bit misleading. The Constitution already provides the Legislative Branch with various checks on the Judiciary. For example, Article III, Section 1 gives Congress the authority to structure the federal judiciary and set the number of Supreme Court Justices. Congress has used this power in the past to both expand and contract the size of the Court (changing the number of justices in the 1800s). This can happen without an amendment or mass public support.

      Wyden’s proposal to expand the Supreme Court to 15 justices over 12 years is another example of using these constitutional mechanisms. The proposal also includes measures to increase transparency, such as requiring a supermajority to overturn acts of Congress, automatic Senate calendar placement for stalled nominations, and stricter financial disclosures for justices. None of these steps require changing the Constitution; they rely on existing legislative powers.

      Explaining this to the average voter might be challenging, but the fact remains: Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate the judiciary, even if it’s not commonly exercised or well understood. Wyden’s bill seeks to use those powers to restore trust and transparency in the Court without needing a constitutional amendment.

      So, the checks and balances already exist – it’s a matter of political will and the legislative process, not necessarily popular appeal or constitutional change.

        -212 hours ago

        anything Congress does can just as easily be repealed by Congress.

        requiring a supermajority to overturn acts of Congress, automatic Senate calendar placement for stalled nominations,

        I’m all for it, hope it goes well. because if it doesn’t, this is a fast track to shit