Don’t you think it’s quite ironic that the subject I’m trying to avoid is being discussed in this post?

  • mechoman444
    44 hours ago

    I do this on my YouTube feed to keep politics out of my gaming and flat earth content I typically like to watch.

  • THCDenton
    45 hours ago

    I’ve never really used Twitter. The only exposure I get to it is through reddit and now here. Even that is too much.

    46 hours ago

    It’s easier to not care. It’s selfish, a bit cruel, it’s literally the least you can do to carry a basic awareness of ongoing truth, but it is easier I imagine to pretend it isn’t happening and just fixate on what’s left when you remove all of that from Lemmy… So just, oops all Linux memes?

    • I think it’s the opposite. All the outrage on social media just feeds back into itself. It’s an engine fueling disillusionment, not productive change.

        115 minutes ago

        The trend on social media is idle outrage, it’s overexposing ourselves to the most devastating and most infuriating information while doing nothing about it. I’ve seen a lot of Gaza footage but i haven’t done anything other than donate e-sims and upvote memes.

        I don’t blame anyone for wanting out of that. If you’re not going to do something about politics, then you might as well not let it poison your social media. If you are doing something about politics, then you already know to step out of online flame wars, or you should know.

        Of all human emotions, rage is the one that’s best at keeping us engaged, so for-profit social medias feed us rage bait constantly to keep us on their platform, and one great way to do that is through politics. Here on Lemmy, the same is done for internet points. I see no point in either because neither leads to action. In fact there’s incredible danger in being politically angry, we should be politically educated.

    4 hours ago

    Nope. I’ve had a script with almost 100 regex’s that automatically blacklisted around 200 people every time I opened Twitter. Two years in and upwards of 300.000 accounts in the blacklist, I realized that it didn’t even make a dent in dealing with all of the spam I was seeing, and just deleted my account. Best decision ever. I advice you too, to try it out.

    129 hours ago

    It’s perfectly on form for a modern citizen of a Western country to confuse denial and avoidance as inner peace.

      110 minutes ago

      It’s undeniably better for you to not worry, but also the ability to not worry is undeniably privileged since it means you’re not personally affected.

      Also i just don’t think it’s true that we can separate our issues from the third world’s issues, they are connected, and the very uncomfortable fact is that the connection often is our benefitting from their exploitation. That’s not as true as it once was, colonialism is different now, but it’s still true, i own countless cheap items thatwere manufactured by exploited workers in other countries.

        23 hours ago

        I didn’t even reference “this person”, it’s a simple comment on Western culture, just like it purports to be.

    611 hours ago

    i have a bunch of these too. i like politics, just not the us vs them US bullshit.

    good on you for making lemmy more bearable on US election season.

    372 days ago

    It’s funny how many Americans don’t realize that there are people living life outside the US that also have access to the internet and Lemmy.

    As someone living in an area where I can literally walk into 3 different countries (even if I need to hike a few hours) I cannot wrap my head around that exceptionalism.

        51 day ago

        It’s a government conspiracy. They did let in all the dirty foreigners just so they can tell you personally: America bad!

      81 day ago

      We’re too insulated to care too much, because it mostly doesn’t affect our day to day lives. And we have a pretty big election coming up in like 6 weeks, so it makes sense that most Americans online would talk about that.

        123 hours ago

        Can’t remember the last time Germanys, Netherlands, Polands or any other election was this much or long in the news.
        Not to mention Asian (excluding middle east because they are news non-stop) or African (not affiliated with middle eastern conflicts).

        Hell even Canads or Mexicos is much of any debate…

          220 hours ago

          God please let us put a fucking leash on these assholes dominating our time. I don’t want to be convinced non-stop that you’re voting in my best interest, I want to see my best interests enacted. I want a representative democracy that allows me to trust that my representatives are going to represent my community as a whole, not some twisting tendril of black or white districts intended to game the system. And it’s so fucking absurd that we have somehow convinced ourselves that our Constitution intended for corporations to be treated as people or for money to be treated as free speech. Millions and billions spent convincing us that millions and billions need to be spent. It’s complete lunacy and we’re all cool with it?

      21 day ago

      sees propaganda from transnational corps, the Kremlin, and CCP

      “Why are the american people assaulting me with this garbage!”

    532 days ago

    BREAKING NEWS: Musk posts misleading video blaming Netanyahu’s Gaza strike on Harris, causing The Donald to call on Vlad to intervene

    • aname
      182 days ago

      I would not want to hide posts about Vlad the Impaler