“I’m a gun owner; Tim Walz is a gun owner,” Harris said.

“I did not know that,” Winfrey replied.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” Harris added. “Probably should not have said that. But my staff will deal with that later.”

The article has a video clip. I love the bullshit “probably…” It’s a 100% certainty she spoke with her staff and workshopped the phrasing and presentation of gun stuff. Plus I bet she practiced her lines. No American politician is going to wing it when talking about guns.

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    You’re absolutely right about the illusion but IMO the Bernie era gave people including many socialists/leftists who considered him as harm reduction a complete illusion of what the underlying political climate was heading towards.

    While Bernie was campaigning on very good vibes and huge crowds asking for healthcare the population was heading increasingly away from the “traditional” both parties values of decades prior.

    Its obvious Trump completely destroyed traditional conservatism but for the Democrats to destroy Bernie they had no alternative but plant the seeds of Blue MAGA.

    Biden only got there because he was the only alternative to defeat Bernie without the Dems jumping off a cliff politically. Then they pulled this Biden coup only because Biden was absurdly unpopular. IMO if they tried the same shit with the Bernie nomination things would have been very interesting back then.

    Dems could have avoided this by just dealing with Bernie as the coward and incoherent fool he is as president, at least they would have had 8 years of probably the most popular president in history.

    Instead the year is 2024 and Blue MAGA is not a parody, its the foundation of the party.

    • ComradeWizardmon@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      forward: This is jsut a ramble cause we seem to agree or close enough and I took the chance to vent about politics shit stressing me lol

      The Bernie years, for me, were “This guy is just offering New Deal white supremacy again and they still would kill everyone before letting him win”

      I don’t say that to be some ultra “I’m the one true leftist” because I voted for him too, had to write him in for even the primary in 2020 cause Texas but I get having hope cause I did, too, even when it was over. I got on with Bernie people both times he ran because it was hope for something even a tiny bit better. But that’s what he was. That’s why a small segment of the liberal opposition could say with a straight face there were racism and sexism problems in his base. . . because there is in any base which can bring itself to support any American politician. The Warren people were right, too “He’s basically the same so vote for the woman”, he was, he is, they agree on almost everything except Bernie can be really excellent at appealing to people by sounding good in the way we’re more likely to recognize and not think is condescending faff.

      Biden is just . … he’s a stereotype, I mean all successful politicians are archetypal characters more than people, but he’s every segregationist Democrat who loves 50s nostalgia I’ve ever met. He’s a young dad in the 1970s going to a Grease party because that’s how he wants to remember the 50s.

      I dunno if there ever was a world where Bernie could have been FDR 2.0 - he didn’t have the class connections which made FDR possible, but that’s not the path our timeline took, possible or not.