“I’m a gun owner; Tim Walz is a gun owner,” Harris said.

“I did not know that,” Winfrey replied.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” Harris added. “Probably should not have said that. But my staff will deal with that later.”

The article has a video clip. I love the bullshit “probably…” It’s a 100% certainty she spoke with her staff and workshopped the phrasing and presentation of gun stuff. Plus I bet she practiced her lines. No American politician is going to wing it when talking about guns.

  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    136 hours ago

    Ah yes, the American dream of being able to murder a threatening stranger.

    Life is cheap in the Burger Reich.

  • sweatersocialist [comrade/them]
    55 hours ago

    surprised she didn’t throw a “that’s how we do it down where i’m from y’all” in there to REALLY sell how down home and folksy she is. she’s just like me!!! im gonna vooooooooote!!! soypoint-2

  • Vernon_Tennessee [null/void, he/him]
    349 hours ago

    I love how Harris is starting out with every advantage a candidate could possibly have and systematically blowing it.

    Trump too tbh. This election feels like both candidates are doing their damnedest to throw it for the other one because neither actually wants to be president right now lol.

    • Riffraffintheroom [none/use name]
      107 hours ago

      Is she? These seem less like flubs than attempts to flank Trump from the right, like with her “I love fracking SOFUCKINGMUCH” but at the debate. Libs are gonna vote for her no matter what and leftists are demographically a non-factor so why wouldn’t she?

      • Roonerino [they/them]
        7 hours ago

        The true believer democrats that vote will vote for her, yes, but she needs a way to increase democrat voter turnout to actually win. She might have less charisma than Clinton, and I’m not confident that “Not Trump” is going to be enough now that Trump has been out of office for 4 years.

        We’ll find out soon enough, but I’m doubtful that this inauthentic pandering campaigning she’s doing is going to energize enough voters to win. Thanks to boomers and voter suppression and the electoral college every race is kind of the republicans’ to lose by default, so they can get away with a lot more stupid shit.

        • xiaohongshu [none/use name]
          86 hours ago

          The goal of the Democratic Party is to become the Republican Party, not to win elections.

          Let’s put it this way: the goal is to capture Republican donors, not to capture Republican voters. Two separate things.

          • Roonerino [they/them]
            15 hours ago

            Oh don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to say that they’re actively trying to win voters and elections and that this is their best effort at that. I just don’t think this little show is going to be enough to win an election this time – accidentally or otherwise – in spite of how bad Trump seems to be doing from the outside.

      • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
        178 hours ago

        Their compasses are like in Pirates of the Caribbean, they just point to whatever they want most. Which, regrettably, is just The Status Quo…or perhaps Brunch if they haven’t had one in a while

        • Roonerino [they/them]
          6 hours ago

          Be a pirate

          Whip out my magic compass

          I look to the horizon

          Roguish grin

          “Hoist the mainsail and set a course for Good Vibes!”

          The crew replies in unison

          “Yasssss queen! Slay!”

          The cargo hold is full of bombs for Israel

  • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
    178 hours ago

    It’s so obviously performative when they each have a battalion of secret service on security detail. If they pulled a gun out and started wandering the halls of their houses, they are more likely to cause a friendly fire incident than stop an intruder

  • chungusamonugs [he/him]
    8111 hours ago

    Even people with private security and millions of dollars still fantasize about castle doctrine gun battles?

      • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
        289 hours ago

        I have a hypothesis that burgerland’s “everyone should own a gun and be ready to use it at the drop of a hat” culture was cultivated as part of the white yeoman farmer ideal so that the burger regime could offload as much of the genocide work as possible onto the average settler. I think you’re more spot on than you intended.

        • ashinadash [she/her]
          269 hours ago

          was cultivated as part of the white yeoman farmer ideal so that the burger regime could offload as much of the genocide work as possible onto the average settler.

          This is not a theory really, if you look into Hitler’s whole “generalplan ost” thing he planned to have nazi settlers set up farmsteads and do “defend their land” type shit. It all makes perfect sense ngl.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    6712 hours ago

    I’m not out of my mind for believing that this would have been unthinkable in the Hillary or even Biden era, right?

    Like this is just blatant blood-guzzling NRA chud pandering that would be completely relegated to Clinton body count and Dark Brandon type shit.

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      5311 hours ago

      I did not expect Kamala to run to the right of Biden. I had zero expectations and I’m still let down

      • Hestia [comrade/them, she/her]
        10 hours ago

        I’m not surprised. Biden’s the sacrificial lamb who will take the majority of the PR hit for the genocide, but people who are actually on the left have wisened up to their tricks. They’ll go for votes from people who aren’t educated enough to know better. And those people are right wing.

    • ComradeWizardmon [none/use name]
      7 hours ago

      Unthinkable? I don’t think so.

      I think the main thing that’s becoming obvious in the past 8 years is that the Obama years were an illusion. He was politically progressive, sure, but what he was progressive towards was an increasingly brutal fascist empire, just like every one else.

      People who think the racists left the Democratic party with Reagan have been demonstrably proven wrong over, and over, and over since Clinton, they just never quite quit telling the lie.

      The presumption the Democrats are even mildly less racist because of their love of meritocracy, solely when rich citizens of the US are concerned, even with all those qualifiers it’s wrong. The Democrats are who they were when I was a kid here in Texoma - the people who wouldn’t vote for a Republican because they’re the party of the rich, the north, and cause of the Civil War (y’all should meet my papa sometime, it’d change how you see this country).

      I don’t really have a coherent way to distill the country as I see it compared to the constant pretense Democrats are different than the republicans in any fashion apart from the exact manner in which they’re vile condescending villains, but the sooner the left stops talking about progressives like that’s something anyone should be, the better. CAuse they sure as hell ain’t what you think they are, I don’t care if they kinda-sorta-maybe-implied they might be okay with an anti-racist policy sometime far in the future. Besides which, Liberals are conservatives now, in the literal sense. They are the reactionary party. Fascism isn’t a reaction to Capital in crisis - it’s a revolutionary expansionist project. What people mean by fascism when they call it reactionary is just when fascism starts killing white people. Fascism is real long, long before then.

      What scares me lately is, since Biden, the Blue MAGA insurgency in the Democrats are going ham as well. I don’t really think America needs a conservative party, but we’re about to have two revolutionary parties, both worse than the present. Hell, maybe we already do and it’s just hard to tell how much it’s changed while the changes are still happening.

      • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
        21 hour ago

        You’re absolutely right about the illusion but IMO the Bernie era gave people including many socialists/leftists who considered him as harm reduction a complete illusion of what the underlying political climate was heading towards.

        While Bernie was campaigning on very good vibes and huge crowds asking for healthcare the population was heading increasingly away from the “traditional” both parties values of decades prior.

        Its obvious Trump completely destroyed traditional conservatism but for the Democrats to destroy Bernie they had no alternative but plant the seeds of Blue MAGA.

        Biden only got there because he was the only alternative to defeat Bernie without the Dems jumping off a cliff politically. Then they pulled this Biden coup only because Biden was absurdly unpopular. IMO if they tried the same shit with the Bernie nomination things would have been very interesting back then.

        Dems could have avoided this by just dealing with Bernie as the coward and incoherent fool he is as president, at least they would have had 8 years of probably the most popular president in history.

        Instead the year is 2024 and Blue MAGA is not a parody, its the foundation of the party.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
      4211 hours ago

      This would have been unthinkable in the Hillary or even Biden era, right?

      I think so too. But Biden’s like ancient history now. Libs must love Kamala’s gun comment and think it’s a “pragmatic” move by her to appeal to republicans and republicans in swing states in particular.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        3211 hours ago

        The identity politics angle must also be a part of it, I think.

        Actual segregationist Joe Biden couldn’t really get away with betting on this kind of rhetoric, but Kamala being both non-white and a woman gets into the gray zone where she has plausible deniability of not just directly appealing to the vivid fantasies of legal murder demographic.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
          11 hours ago

          Biden couldn’t really get away with betting on this kind of rhetoric… Kamala being both non-white and a woman gets into the gray zone


          Edit 1

          I agree. But imagine an alternate universe where Biden’s VP was a white guy. After Biden dropped out even that VP could use Death Wish-style messaging and get away with it. The lib Overton window keeps on lurching more and more to the right and the libs are fine with it.

          Edit 2

          My comment turned into total mess so I started all over again.

  • Wertheimer [any]
    4711 hours ago

    ‘They’re Getting Shot,’ Kamala Harris Warns Home Intruders, Burglars, Litterbugs, Slow Walkers

    FARMINGTON HILLS, MI—Discussing the Second Amendment with Oprah Winfrey at a Michigan town hall last night, Vice President Kamala Harris admitted she may have gotten too comfortable when she remarked that any home intruders, burglars, litterbugs, or slow walkers near her house could expect to be shot. “If somebody breaks into my house, knocks on my door to sell me something, or leaves their dog’s waste on my lawn, they’re getting shot,” the Democratic presidential nominee said in an attempt to bridge the gap with conservative gun owners in the swing state, drawing applause as she pantomimed looking through a rifle scope at the audience and then mimicked the sound of gunfire. “If you trespass onto my property or take my plate away from the table before I’m finished eating, I’m going to take you out, as is my right as an American citizen. Let this serve as a warning to anyone who steals my mail, runs down the airplane aisle to deboard before it’s their turn, or talks too loudly in a movie theater—these things upset me, and I’m not afraid to defend myself accordingly. Also goes for drivers who don’t signal, heavy mouth-breathers, or if I just don’t like your face. Boom.” Later in the interview, Harris drew a gun from inside her jacket and fired a warning shot into the air after someone in the audience answered a call on speakerphone.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]OP
    7314 hours ago

    r/politics thread

    I assume the redditor who wrote the following is aware of actual leftist gun ownership. But I’m certain the average redditor sees “the other side” only thinks of liberals.

    I think a lot of right wingers would be surprised to find out how many gun owners and enthusiasts there are on the other side.


    Sorted by controversial - top comment

    The sheer fact that you Americans all talk about having the ability to end someone’s life on a whim like it’s a completely normal and expected ability for someone to have never ceases to blow my fucking mind.

    Such casual discussion of shooting someone isn’t normal anywhere else in the Western world. It’s so normalised in your hyper-violent, paranoid, narcissistic culture that none of you realise that to the outside observer you all sound like psychopaths.

  • milk_thief [it/its]
    6113 hours ago

    Under the Amerikan Hegemony, prospective Warlords-in-chief bragged about their personal and political ability to brutalize individuals and nations. The imperial citizens, as a rule, would not find anything strange with these boasts. In fact, they would cheer them on.