• kescusay@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The vast majority of that time he didn’t have any stutter or gaffes. I don’t even think it was happening when he was VP.

    It was. And the vast majority of the time, it doesn’t happen now. It’s just that when it does, right-wing media seizes on it.

    You can find plenty of footage from when he was VP, and when he was in the Senate, where he clearly struggles to say the right words, and sometimes a malapropism slips out. In the past, he’s referred to himself as a “gaffe machine” (that is a direct quote) because of it. So it’s less accurate to say that he overcame his stutter, and more accurate to say that he found workarounds that usually - but not always - work.

    It’s only become a big deal now because of his age. Republicans latch onto any slip of the tongue or difficulty speaking as supposed evidence of his decline, but it’s completely disingenuous.

    But as we age we lose that “filter” where we think before we speak. Which often causes the re-emergence of childhood speech impediments along with a lot more serious stuff.

    Sure, but listen to any of his recent speeches. You’ll find that for the overwhelming majority of the time, he’s perfectly clear-spoken. There will occasionally be hiccups, but find any long speech of his in the last 40 years, and you’ll see the same things.

    My point here is that while I’m sure he’s not quite as sharp as he used to be, there’s a material difference between a verbal stumble and what happened to Mitch McConnell. I’m not sure what exactly that was, but McConnell has no medical history of fugue states. That’s new. Biden’s intermittent verbal stumbles aren’t.

    Like I said, it’s not a reason to impeach him, but it’s definitely a reason to ask why we’re expecting him to be president for four more years.

    I’d much rather have a different candidate, but not because of Biden’s age. I think he’s too willing to go along with Republicans for the sake of “bipartisanship.” Obama had the same problem.

    That said, he might actually be the best possible candidate, given the circumstances. He utterly spanked Trump last time around, and keeping the orange shit-gibbon out of office is of paramount importance.

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You can find plenty of footage from when he was VP, and when he was in the Senate, where he clearly struggles to say the right words, and sometimes a malapropism slips out

      Maybe a handful of examples over 40 years of politics… But no more than any other politician who’s caught off guard.

      Here’s two examples of him in high stress public speaking situations where he had zero issues while in his 40s:

      Concession speech after his plagiarism torpedoed his campaign:


      Heckled by reporters while he insults them:


      It seems like back then his issues were plagiarism and anger management, I’m not hearing any speech impediments tho…

      Because like I said, those are often a childhood thing, then re-appear in your 70s due to completely normal age related mental decline.

      This isn’t two people with different opinions, this is you saying science and video evidence is wrong and your opinion is right

      • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        It’s not like it always comes up.

        Your two examples are a super well prepared and rehearsed speech, and an off the cuff “insult”, which is exactly where it would not happen.

        • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          1 year ago


          If it doesn’t happen with off the cuff remarks, or we’ll prepared speeches…

          Why is it now happening in well prepared speeches and off the cuff remarks?

          That just doesn’t make any logical sense unless something changes in the last 35 years like the same normal age related mental decline everyone experiences if they live long enough.

          • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            Not that I watch it all but I don’t see it in super well prepared speeches. Concession speech with political hopes for the future, I guarantee you that shit was dialed in to 9000.

            Not off the cuff remarks, off the cuff “insults” (your words). Anger (your intonation) tends to clarify your brain. Insults are a pretty simple message.

            See how you’re trying to change it?

            It happens more in regular speeches that are not super well rehearsed, and interviews where you have to come up with complex answers, convey complex points on the spot, etc.

            • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Nah, I think I’ll go with science and video evidence over unfounded opinions…

              Thanks tho, I’m sure someone might enjoy reading your opinions.

              • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.ca
                1 year ago

                Don’t like how I caught you trying to change it huh.

                Long story short: it doesn’t happen all the time and your two examples are exactly where it wouldn’t happen. Cue your more cherry picked examples, cue me saying it doesn’t happen all the time because that’s how it works.