It is no secret that prolonged exposure to loud sound is highly damaging to our hearing. Listening to loud music is one of the common factors leading to degraded hearing ability and tinnitus, and is deeply unhealthy.

At the same time, such level of noise negatively impacts the quality of sound perception, which degrades the musical side of the musical performance.

In what seems to be the echoes of the so-called “loudness war”, bands still stick to the idea that “the louder you blast it - the better”. But it’s not true. There are many other ways to energize the crowd without causing them sound damage, and I’d love to see more of those, instead of them trying to be the loudest ever.

  • Something Burger 🍔
    7 months ago

    LMAO you think 125cc bikes are quiet? You’re showing signs of profound hearing loss in the everything range.

    Bikes. Are. Much. Louder. Than. Cars. This is a measurable fact. There is a reason the legal limit for cars is 62dB, and that for bikes is 97.

    I am not the problem

    Says every biker, as they wake the whole neighborhood at 6am to let their engine heat up for a few minutes, as bikes not only are loud, they are also extremely unreliable and need careful attention to function properly. Truly a useless vehicle. Prefer bicycles for short distances and trains for longer trips.