Audiobookbay has a lot of books, but the direct download links are scams or paid. You can use the magnet links, though. Either sign up for an account and you get access to a limited number of magnet links per day, or you can just copy the “infohash” field and put it at the end of “magnet:?xt=urn:btih:” without the quotes, and then paste that into your torrent software.
The 3xforum has direct download links, but a much smaller selection
I use Audiobookbay, and 3xforum
Audiobookbay has a lot of books, but the direct download links are scams or paid. You can use the magnet links, though. Either sign up for an account and you get access to a limited number of magnet links per day, or you can just copy the “infohash” field and put it at the end of “magnet:?xt=urn:btih:” without the quotes, and then paste that into your torrent software.
The 3xforum has direct download links, but a much smaller selection