• @enleeten@discuss.online
    233 days ago

    It’s unfair to compare Trump to the Joker. The Joker is a strategic and tactical and logistical genius, he didn’t inherit his position from “Papa Clown Show” and pretend to be good at what he does.

  • @daniskarma@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 days ago

    Why cannot Robin take care of the Batcave? Why Alfred want the Batcave so bad when is clear that he need to retire and let a younger generation have their time?

    • GreenM
      11 day ago

      Ain’t Robin also running around in yoga pants and cape, hopping at unexpected individuals in dark alleys?

  • @Phegan@lemmy.world
    163 days ago

    They be like: your options are a shit sandwich or getting shot in the head.

    When all along your options are every other food too, they just removed them from the menu.

    You still should pick the shit sandwich over the shot to the head, but you should as hell be mad at both the one who would pull the trigger and the ones who left you with a shit sandwich as the viable alternative.

    Eat the sandwich, remove the trigger man then go after the restaurant owners.

      • 2016: “Vote for the shit sandwich”

        2020: “Vote for the shit sandwich”

        2024: “Vote for the shit sandwich”

        Can’t understand why the Democratic Party isn’t more popular.

    • @blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
      32 days ago

      But due to the first-past-the-post system, these are the only two options. The primaries are when you choose the candidates, and the election is when you choose the winner of the candidates. That’s the system you have. You really need to switch to a preferential voting system if you want to have more than two options in the presidential election.

    • 100_kg_90_de_belin
      63 days ago

      It’s way easier to run a campaign this way, though. Who wants to acknowledge that the US issues are structural and require solutions that would go against the lobbyists and donors’ best interests?

    • @kofe@lemmy.world
      73 days ago

      You have a better solution for tens of millions of voters to organize behind in the next 4 months?

      • @banana_lama@lemm.ee
        63 days ago

        They had 4 years to light l find and line someone else up. Biden’s age isn’t a surprise that snuck up on anyone

        • @kofe@lemmy.world
          32 days ago

          Soooo no other solutions? Gotcha, I’ll stick with the plan to vote Biden and let Harris take over if he steps down.

          • @banana_lama@lemm.ee
            12 days ago

            So as an individual you have 4 options:

            1- vote for Biden: democrats maintain the current path as that’s literally what’s happening now

            2- vote Trump: either they maintain their current path or democrats have to pivot

            3- vote third party: if that party gets enough votes one of the main parties will catwr to the messaging of that party to take those voters in the next cycle as it’s an easy win

            4- don’t vote: if enough people don’t vote they’ll cater more to them next cycle but that’s harder to aim in the direction you’d want to promote.

            Is that a good enough breakdown? So if I were to rank my options I’d go for 3,4,2,1

            • @blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
              2 days ago

              You’ve said that choosing options 3, or 4 will send a message to change party opinions for the next cycle. But the message it sends is ambiguous at best. It could be interpreted to mean that people are unhappy with the system and demand change; but it could also mean that people are indifferent, or disengaged, or ill-informed, or have been prevented / dissuaded from exercising their right to vote. Or perhaps it could be interpreted on policy grounds: perhaps votes are unhappy with genocide… or perhaps not, perhaps they are war-hungry. Perhaps want stricter rules to control anti-social behaviour … or the opposite.

              If you don’t vote at all, your message is basically just noise. It communicates nothing, because whatever message you think it sends it could also be sending the opposite. Voting third-party would be less bad, except that many third parties are exist disingenuously as a tactical way to split votes, to increase the change of victory for the party of opposite values to what the third party purports to represent.

              • @banana_lama@lemm.ee
                11 day ago

                If lets say 10% of people vote for the green party. We know that what people want relates to their messaging and they’d try and take voters away from them as it’s easier than taking republicans or people that refuse to vote since you know what the green party stands for. That’s different than voting for the social democrats and so on.

                You can’t lump options 3 and 4 together like that.

                Not voting sends the message that people are dissatisfied or feel disenfranchised. Now if the Democrats win they won’t care to change. Or even if they nearly win. But if they loose badly they’ll have to cater to these voters. And thus a pivot would be in order. But like we’re both said, not voting harder to take get a party to move in that direction

    • @Darkmuch@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      I’ve wanted Biden to croak and the party be forced to get behind Kamala sooo bad. Boom, younger candidate, female, minority(Indian mother, Jamaican father) incumbent that can be elected 2 more times. Maybe the plan is for it to happen next term? Idk. I don’t know a single thing she’s done besides be a VP, but damn give me someone who doesn’t look like they gonna die any second.

      • @31337@sh.itjust.works
        32 days ago

        Kamala isn’t very likeable, and I saw a recent interview (about Biden’s debate performance) where she acted pretty unhinged. She talked at Anderson Cooper like he was a child, had a wierd speech cadence, and smiled psychotically.

        Only thing I know about her is she was a DA and prosecuted a lot of people for cannabis.

        I’m actually not sure if she’d have a better chance at winning than Biden.

        If, somehow, Biden wins, I’d bet she’d be president soon after. Rumors are Biden’s sundowning, and isn’t very coherent after 3pm. That’s only going to get worse, forcing him to step-down (or one would hope).

        Harris would probably be a status-quo (i.e. actual conservative) president. Not good, but not as bad as a fascist president.

    • It’s this endless litany of “Just because our guy sucks…” and I can’t imagine what that message is going to do to turnout in three months

  • @ShinkanTrain@lemmy.ml
    4 days ago

    This is Alfred slander. He’s the only person on Earth who can slap sense into fucking Batman, not some old fuck who should have been in hospice care two years ago

    • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      44 days ago

      There is at least one timeline where Alfred has rocked Superman’s shit just for daring to show his face after a fight he had where he injured batman.

    • @Coach@lemmy.world
      -34 days ago

      Absolutely! I’d take Alfred, if he were the option. At least he could string together a sentence that makes sense. So essentially, our choice is between the Joker and the Riddler.

      Can the Democrats please stop tolerating everything? We haven’t even officially declared a candidate. Let’s take a good look at our options and stop forcing the country into another awful Sophie’s choice.

  • @abracaDavid
    514 days ago

    Terrible analogy.

    This is the goddamn DNC’s fault. They are allergic to supporting anyone that’s not an old school establishment Democrat.

    Give us a suitable candidate. Biden is too old and everyone knows it.

    Give us someone that is actually progressive and that actually wants to help the American people. We have a few very obvious issues that neither of our geriatric overlords are addressing.

    1. ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE. This is the most important one. Just do something. Anything. Nothing is being done and it’s getting hotter every year.

    2. Lower the cost of living. Rent is out of control. Food costs are out of control. It’s hard to live right now. Protect US citizens from corporate greed.

    3. Fix the real estate market. Most of us will never be able to own a house because several corporations have been allowed to run amok. Make it so the average person can buy a house.

    4. Healthcare for all. It’s not complicated.

    5. Stop the genocide.

    Put someone forward with this obvious and simple platform, and I promise they win.

    We are not married to Biden. Get us someone younger. Why is this so hard?

    • @AA5B@lemmy.world
      4 days ago
      1. During Biden’s first term, we’ve made several of the biggest steps toward addressing climate change, ever
      2. Biden has made huge steps, despite congressional opposition, in making education and healthcare more affordable
      3. The real estate and rental prices are local, and some of us live where our local politicians are at least trying
    • @LotrOrc@lemmy.world
      44 days ago

      Fucking thank you. I agree with every single one of these things

      Wanna run for president? I’ll vote

    • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
      -23 days ago


      Or perhaps you didn’t like the younger man’s decisions.

      So then maybe age alone doesn’t hold all the answers to everyone’s problems as you’d have us all believe.

    • @fukurthumz420@lemmy.world
      -54 days ago


      that’s our job. government is not going to solve this. wanna make change for the better? start training for guerilla warfare.

      • @UltraGiGaGigantic@lemm.ee
        12 days ago

        We’re really gonna civil war before breaking the two party system with Ranked Choice voting?

        Oh course, the democrats are more important then stopping the civil war…

      • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
        33 days ago

        What are we as individuals supposed to do? I can only cut down on my polluting so much. My ability to do so is severely limited by the options available to me which are decided by corporations.

        • @Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          83 days ago

          Especially cause it’s a myth that regular people have all the power when it comes to climate change. Most of the issues come directly from factories that could be doing better to minimize toxic waste and pollution but instead they spend billions lobbying to make it okay.

          • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
            43 days ago

            Yea, I can cut down on my driving, try not to be wasteful, and look for less plastic packaging and all that but that all depends on what options are available to me. If I need something and all the options are in the worst packaging possible or they sell electronic garbage that breaks after a year because the company doesn’t care then it’s out of my hands.

            • @Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              33 days ago

              Yea, at the end of the day my only solace is that I’m not having kids and neither are my siblings so I don’t have to worry about the planet being fucked for them. Don’t get me wrong i’ll still do everything I can for our youth and I’m a punk at heart but I won’t lose too much sleep over it.

              • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
                43 days ago

                Yea, I’m not interested in having kids either. Which now that I think of it is a pretty good benefit for the environment too as I’m cancelling out all my potential descendants emissions.

        • @fukurthumz420@lemmy.world
          13 days ago

          make the corporations scared of us/force their hand. hit their pocket books. make consequences for immoral CEO’s. don’t wait for government to do it. that window has closed.

    • Because for someone to get elected, they need more than just YOUR vote, David.

      There are millions of voters that might agree with points 1,2,3 and 4, but don’t think it’s a genocide. They won’t vote for your guy.

      Millions more agree with 1,2,3 and 5. But your guys ideas on Healthcare is a non-starter. More lost votes.

      See where I’m going here? Your guy didn’t even say a WORD about abortion rights, immigration, gun laws, unemployment, inflation, global war and terrorism, technology threats, the economy, tariffs, and so much more.

      It’s not the DNCs fault. Do you know how the Republicans made abortion illegal again? They attacked it year after year, and nobody on the left defended it. We just sit in message boards passively crying “Give us a suitable candidate!!”

        • @ReluctantMuskrat@lemmy.world
          43 days ago

          Seems you clearly understood who I was talking about. The two are not the same, even remotely.

          Trump wants power regardless of whether he wins the election or not, tried to take power when he lost, and many of his own cabinet appointees and his own vice president have come out against him. He spreads lies incessantly, sides with Putin in everyway and is denigrating to our intelligence agencies and military. Not to mention being a guy that brags about sexually assaulting women, talks about his own daughter sexually and was good friends with a known pedophile. He’s even said he wouldn’t release info on Epstein and those he associated with.

            • @ReluctantMuskrat@lemmy.world
              43 days ago

              What power is Biden abusing exactly? And I’m a registered Republican btw, but not one that’ll support a fascist who has tried to dismantle our democracy.

              • @Facebones@reddthat.com
                13 days ago

                He’s saying we have to support Bidens abuse of power to protect us from Trump’s, so yes he is saying it. Abuse you support personally is still abuse.

            • @tetris11@lemmy.ml
              -23 days ago

              Yes both are crooks, but one has performed far far more crimes than the other.

              But okay, if > 1 is your threshold than by that measure they’re complete twins.

    • @PersnickityPenguin@lemm.ee
      33 days ago

      I’d rather Kamala be president than Trump, any day. Kamala isn’t a convicted felon.

      Choice seems really easy, but so many people make life more complicated than it really is. I don’t get it anymore.

  • @rsuri@lemmy.world
    214 days ago

    Ok yeah, but that doesn’t mean we need to choose Alfred to do the actual fighting against the Joker. Instead, it’s perfectly OK to say “Hey Alfred, let Batman handle the Joker, you watch and provide advice if you’re needed.”

    • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      If you aren’t happy with the candidates: PAY ATTENTION DURING THE PRIMARIES. You can’t complain now which restaurant to eat at only when the food arrives at the table. You’re coming in way the fuck Too late now for this argument.

        • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          Then run yourself. Stop complaining for someone else to do something. You’re just as ineffective as who you hate.

      • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
        103 days ago

        People were saying the same shit about Biden during the primaries, they were saying the same shit during the primaries of the last election. It doesn’t matter. the Dem leadership rig it to run whoever they want to run.

        • xor
          53 days ago

          Didn’t Bernie run in the last primary?

          • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
            73 days ago

            For some reason, people are convinced that Bernie would have won if it wasn’t for the DNC putting a gun to the head of millions of Democratic voters and making them vote for Joe Biden instead.

            I’m a Bernie voter. Biden was like, third to last pick for me, not exactly rooting for him. If people my age spent as much time and effort actually fucking voting like the suburban fucking soccer moms that shored up Biden’s support during the primary, we COULD have had Bernie.

          • @eletes@sh.itjust.works
            63 days ago

            2020 yes, 2024 no. Biden had small time candidates against him in the primaries (Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, RFK).

            The consensus in the DNC was for no major candidates to challenge him as it may shake his standing. It’s tradition to not primary against an incumbent.

            • xor
              13 days ago

              Ah yes, I had it in my head that they didn’t primary at all, as opposed to it being traditionally non-competitive. Thanks for the correction

        • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          Hey you’re only reach here is crying someone else to do a thing so you’d vote for them. Way to be ineffective to any of your problems.

          • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
            12 days ago

            Fair point. Since I am not part of the elite donor class, I am ineffective. Best I manage is a noncommittal form letter in response to mail and phone calls

      • @UltraGiGaGigantic@lemm.ee
        2 days ago

        I wish I was this dumb. Maybe then I could believe in the fantasy of getting representation in exchange for my vote and/or taxation.

      • @retrospectology@lemmy.world
        3 days ago

        The democratic primary was canceled in many states, they made it impossible for anyone to run a serious campaign. They wouldn’t even have the candidates for interviews on their networks, not even to maybe pressure Biden to stop leaning so far to the right.

  • @MiDaBa@lemmy.ml
    93 days ago

    They knew in 2020 that Joe was slipping but instead of trying to solve the problem then they did nothing but cover up the obvious issues. To go with the metaphor, Alfred was a good man doing the right thing. The modern Democrat party has no Alfred. Instead they now seems to care more about their party’s own power over the actual good of the country. Very few people wanted Joe in 2020 but we were told we vote him in to save democracy and then run someone better in 2024. Now here we are going through the same loop. No, if the Democratic party refuses to run a candidate that the people want then we’ve already lost our democracy. Our two party only system is already a joke and it allows those in power to do whatever they want with the looming threat that the other team will destroy America. I’m sorry to say but the Joker is already in charge.

    • I disagree: The Democratic Party does not care about its power. In fact many of the still current leaders of the party actively believe in a strong Republican Party.

      I am specifically quoting Biden with that.

      “We need a Republican Party. We need an opposition that’s principled and strong.”

    • Yup, people so quickly forget that Biden and his campaign heavily implied that he planned on being a one term president. Somehow that whole thing came and went.

      How people allow themselves to be gaslit like that over and over and just wipe it out of their memory is beyond me.

      • How people allow themselves to be gaslit like that over and over

        Other guy is worse. Yes, it’s the same guy who has been running for president since 2016, but he’s worse so you have to vote for our guy no matter how awful he gets.

        Trump’s going to run again in 2028 and you’re going to be expected to vote for the Democrat for this reason alone, again.