Almost 40,000 people registered to vote in the 48 hours afterĀ President BidenĀ announced heĀ was suspendingĀ his reelection campaignĀ and endorsingĀ Vice President Harris,Ā said.

Vote.orgĀ said 38,500 new voters registered, representing the largest number of registrations in a 48-hour period this election cycle.

Of the new voter registrations, 83 percent were from people aged 18-34, according to the voting registration nonprofit group.

    26ā€¢2 months ago

    I feel like a broken record as I keep repeating this, some agree some disagree I dont care.

    Mark Kelly sucks. He opposes Medicare for all. Opposing Medicare for all is NOT a moderate position. It is definitively a right of center or conservative position. This is one of my personal deal breakers.

    He also opposes the green new deal, as well as supported expanding oil drilling.

    If these types of issues donā€™t bother you then thatā€™s your prerogative.

      • @Rivalarrival
        2 months ago

        This, exactly. We have a history of winning the popular vote and losing the election. We can argue about how terrible the EC is later, but that fact is not going to be changed before the election. We need to win the EC.

        Harris is a California Democrat. She will easily win the blue states that anyone with a ā€œ(D)ā€ after their name would win, and she will almost certainly take the popular vote. But that isnā€™t enough to win a presidential election.

        Kelly is a unicorn. He is a Democrat that has the demonstrated ability to win in a red state. He will win any state that Harris will win, and he has a good chance at poaching enough voters to turn some otherwise red states competitive.

        Harris might squeak through a win if we are very, very lucky.

        Kelly will beat Trump like a rented redheaded stepmule.

          2 months ago

          He is a Democrat that has the demonstrated ability to win in a red state.

          The other senator form the same state also won as a Democrat. That doesnā€™t mean Harris should select her.

          • @Rivalarrival
            -7ā€¢2 months ago

            I think he has a better chance than Harris at winning the election. I think the negatives attributed to him are positions held by his constituents, and are not unreasonable in context. I think he is progressive, but pragmatic.

            Yes, Iā€™d put him at the top of the ticket.

            That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll ā€œBernie or Bustā€ for him.

      -2ā€¢2 months ago

      They donā€™t bother me because heā€™s one person and we need absolutely every Democrat we can get to enact any change.

      If losing gracefully ā€œwith idealsā€ and going further right in reality because Republicans control things doesnā€™t bother you then thatā€™s your prerogative.