• @mako
    2 days ago

    You’re right, assumptions were made, though your lack of context for posting that picture definitely lends itself to my narrative. Not refuting anything I said also doesn’t help to destraw yourself.

    Please, take this opportunity to clear the air and let us all know that you’re aware of how damaging Chinese and Russian policies are for their people, just like Western capitalism for its people.

      2 days ago

      Please, take this opportunity to clear the air and let us all know that you’re aware of how damaging Chinese and Russian policies are for their people, just like Western capitalism for it’s people.

      Russia is a reactionary, capitalist state with policies damaging to their people, especially LGBT people but also generally towards everyone.

      I could understand why you might think that I like the USSR based on the context of the image I shared, but the Russian Federation destroyed and replaced the USSR with a capitalist government, so I can’t say I follow your reasoning about my supposed beliefs at all.

      As for China, how on earth is that even relevant to the conversation? I have a more sympathetic view of China than of Russia, on account of the whole, “Responsible for three quarters of all poverty reduction in the past 40 years” thing, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have flaws, like anywhere does. It wasn’t that long ago that the majority of Americans held a favorable view of China, before the whole propaganda blitz we’re in now started.

      I’m sure that by complying with your request (irrelevant as it was), you’re going to back off from your false, imagined claims about me and not just use this opportunity to latch onto something I said and jump down my throat again, right? Because you’re definitely acting in good faith.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        22 days ago

        I’m not part of the conversation, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your response. I believe that the USSR was very fucked too, hence the coup, but I appreciate your candid and honest reply.

        • OBJECTION!
          22 days ago

          Right, I mean, the whole idea of someone who just blindly agrees with anything that has ever done by anyone waving a red flag is kind of silly. If the USSR didn’t have flaws, then it wouldn’t have collapsed. People would rather just pretend communists are all like that because they don’t want to engage with what we actually believe, which is generally more nuanced.

      • @mako
        2 days ago

        Here’s a couple observations: you attempted to discredit what I said by invoking the straw man argument while asserting what “you people” all do in the same breath.

        You also ended your last comment by offering the false dichotomy that my 2 options are “backing off my false claims” or not acting in good faith.

        Third, for how active you are in commenting and debating, it’s disingenuous at best to pretend that my assumptions were random words strung together. If you comment in lemmy.ml on any of the omnipresent Chinese or Russian-centric posts with anything other than adoration, you’re banned… Criticism isn’t allowed in any of the major communities there and you’re obviously aware of that.

        You’re not the paragon of fairness, honesty, or logic that you’d like us to believe.

        • OBJECTION!
          -32 days ago

          If you comment in lemmy.ml on any of the omnipresent Chinese or Russian-centric posts with anything other than adoration, you’re banned… Criticism isn’t allowed in any of the major communities there and you’re obviously aware of that.

          That’s demonstrably false, and you’re obviously aware of that.

          If all you’re interested in is strawmanning, ad hominem, and repeated lies, then I’m not interested in continuing this conversation.

          • @mako
            2 days ago

            “If all you’re interested in is describing the exact experience of a lot of people, all I can do is disengage because I have no leg to stand on.”

            The Uyghur genocide is an abomination, don’t you agree?

            • OBJECTION!
              -32 days ago

              See, this is why the correct approach to bad faith actors is to never give an inch, because they’ll just keep going on the offensive and jumping to new topics, no matter how reasonably you treat them. Because they’re acting in bad faith and don’t actually care what you actually believe, they just want to make you look bad.

              Unfortunately, I’m nice so I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt even when I shouldn’t. Allow me to correct my mistake.

              Ahem. Why do you support Israel’s genocide, fascist? Lots of people have seen people like you supporting it so you must too. Denounce it right now or it’ll prove you hate Palestinians.

              Don’t worry, if you do, I’ll have another accusation ready and waiting for you, just like how you do.

              • @mako
                32 days ago

                That would be a reasonable thing to suggest if my account was on the americafirst.trump2024 server and I replied to a picture of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians with a picture of a Palestinian doing something fucked up.

                Genocide is an abomination, whether it’s the Israeli government doing it to the Palestinians or the Chinese government doing it to the Uyghurs. We can all agree on that, right?


                • OBJECTION!
                  2 days ago

                  Do you denounce the Biden administration’s restrictions on trans healthcare?

                  If you do, I’ll have another thing to demand you to denounce right after. I’ll throw your tactics right back in your face.

                  • @mako
                    2 days ago

                    This exchange has been the same thing I’ve repeatedly seen or personally experienced with tankies.

                    They end up thinking that their “gotcha” will be expressing fucked up Western policies or actions. They do this because, as I originally stated, they hate the thing they know (Western capitalism) and therefore embrace “the other thing” to feel like they’re on the “right” side. They assume that everyone else is doing the same, and that by being critical of Communist governments, we must love Western governments.

                    And as I also said up front, THEY’RE BOTH SHIT, and if you can’t see that, you’re very simple. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. You’re not on the good guys’ side just because they’re opposed to the bad guys. It’s the Crips vs the Bloods, not Batman vs the Joker.

                    I hope you wake up to this very basic truth someday, but I’ve continued this conversation more for other people, to show them the holes in your line of thinking.

            • OBJECTION!
              12 days ago

              The fact that some critical comments got removed does not prove that “anything other than adoration” results in a ban.

              • @PugJesus@lemmy.worldOPM
                2 days ago

                You’re absolutely right, I could say “China is a country with over 1.4 billion people” and not get banned, despite that not being adoration.

                Yet any common or good-faith reading of that phrase would not imply that neutral statements are included under the ban.

                Any other bailey you’d like to run to?

                What’s your demanded ratio for censorship to count as censorship? 1 removed for every 10 that remain? 1-1? 2-1? 10-1?