And why did you stop watching them?

  • @MonkeMischief
    43 days ago

    Quite a few, but off the top of my head, SecondThought. I really enjoyed his accessible antiwork/breadtube video essays for a while, even though they got a little repetitive. It was really hard to find good anti-corpo information.

    I’d even watch them with my wife and they’d feel somewhat galvanizing right before heading off to a really crappy job I was stuck in.

    What did it for me is when he got kicked off Nebula for his comments on a podcast, where he basically went full tankie and joked about the situation with Israel/Palestine, basically saying all the murdered Israeli civilians “deserved it.”

    I refused to let myself be influenced anymore by worldview of someone who would view other human beings in such a way. Apparently I was even late to realizing it. It’s a gross feeling.

      23 days ago

      If it makes you feel any better, I was even later than you to stop watching. I didn’t know about any of that Nebula stuff and only found out when one of his videos was so insane I had to go see how other people felt about it.

      • @MonkeMischief
        32 days ago

        It does help me feel better actually. Thanks!

        I don’t even remember how I found out exactly, but I’m glad I did. I can totally understand how you could miss it. Especially because his videos seemed so tame to begin with.

        Apparently the podcast with Yugopnik had a lot more of this kind of tankie banter.

        Not sure if he was always this way or if it’s a case of “algorithm-driven-personality syndrome” but I still find it sad. :(

        Sidenote: I also got an icky feeling when he’d constantly say “Sponsors won’t touch this content” and immediately started plugging audible and storyblocks or whatever.

        To wrap on a positive note: So far I’ve been enjoying OrdinaryThings for my “Anti-establishment funny well-researched video essay” cravings. :p

          22 days ago

          Yeah I’m not sure either. He used to do science-y videos before I started watching and I think his political videos really caught the algorithm which changed what kind of content he made for sure.

          Thanks for the plug! I’ll definitely check them out. I’ve been missing that kinda stuff since all the “Breadtube” people make 2 hour long videos with long breaks now haha

          33 days ago

          Pretty sure it was the "We need to talk about ‘Authoritarianism’ " video. I’d have to rewatch it to find what I found objectionable at the time lol

          • @MonkeMischief
            2 days ago

            I think I remember this one too. It’s fuzzy but IIRC it might have been how he rags on the USA establishment for being draconian but then basically said “Hey if the right people wielded all that State power…”

            There were also numerous times going light or outright conveniently ignoring authoritarian human rights abuses in places like China, to make them look like they’ve got it all together. Ick.

            If you end up remembering the specific bit though, I’m curious too. :)

            I don’t hate the guy or anything. But I do feel like he’s simply slid far on the authoritarian-left-side of the ideology-funnel that leads to extremism reinforced by self-deluding narratives. I hate seeing that happen to people. :(