I dunno, I kinda like this idea that the players will be so responsible and active over their own entertainment that they’ll pick something to actively do to make something happen!
I’m still new to GMing, and one thing I encounter a lot is my local family/friends as players can be very passive in the "we gather to be entertained (everyone looks at GM like “now what?”) " kinda way.
And I’m always freaking out because I can’t offer some incredible satisfying plot like they’d get watching TV shows or whatever. I’m afraid of everything being not good enough lol. My previous coping mechanism was sticking closely to the book…which in this case was 50 Fathoms, a seafaring sandbox fantasy setting.
…I had to “make things happen to them” , but was REALLY afraid of somehow breaking the world (Morrowind-style lol) if I threw something too “Act 2” at them too fast.
And their captain seemed content just rolling random encounters while trading goods between ports. LOL
I think I really need to trust serendipity and stop planning so much. One of my best games was introducing my wife and her brother to Savage Worlds by just walking them into a bar and being goofy.
They made their characters after League of Legends characters. The bartender was a monkey. They caused some kind of trouble and the monkey threw a flaming ha-pooo-ken at them…oh no, the dice kept exploding! Roll for wound location…“unmentionables.” Oof. They were laughing so hard.
– Noah “Spoony” Antwiler