So in that scenario, taking a picture like the OP would result in some raised eyebrows no matter which phone snapped the picture of which phone, it sounds like! XD
(spotlights dramatically click on)
“Prepare 4-20!”
“And make 69 funny!”
Ah haaah, now it’s just a key…
But then you take a bite in a moment of weakness, and you’re locked out. :(
Exactly. The lore and such is an interesting attempt at world building, but I enjoyed it because of the insane level of tight choreography and flow, when many action films merely imply martial arts by showing a single punch and then shaking the camera violently lol.
I just now upgraded to 64GB of DDR4 from eBay. But that’s because my Blender projects were getting really big and I’d crashed a few times. Linux is awesome but is really scary how it just hard-freezed or mercilessly thrashes when low on memory. 😬
…That and I finally get glorious RGB RAM lighting up my case. :D weee!
For gaming? I haven’t seen that much RAM be usedul yet. And in Blender… likely because I have a crazy amount of undo levels enabled and have Firefox open…a few tabs…maybe more than a few tabs…maybe a lot of tabs…
“Yo momma so old and retro she’s freely available to all on archive.org”?
Maybe the real commits were the Jongs they merged along the way…
If this is true is there any elaboration on what that exactly means? Always looking to learn haha.
This one is WAY underrated. Cool! I want to try it!
This made me think:
What about thermal runaway protection? I’m betting that might be easily overlooked in a custom “smart device” if, for whatever reason, the temperature sensor were to fail and keep reporting “Hey it’s still only (below_target_F_degrees) in here! Keep that heat on full blast!”
This was an issue that made jank 3D printers catch fire and burn houses down until it was mitigated with open source firmware.
Point being, unless there’s a “custom smart thermostat project” that’s vetted and trusted, stuff like this might be overlooked in someone’s Python project, wherein it’s bog standard, low level, possibly redundant, in consumer devices. (Especially thanks to safety standards.)
Should there be an open-source smart thermostat project that’s looked over by thousands of HVAC turbo-nerds and engineers? Yes. Yes there should! Might already be?
For one, UI/UX is actually hugely important for a consumer device and definitely nontrivial
Hugely agreed. I’m a huge proponent of DIY / open-source / self-hosting / repurposing etc…but also I realize if I duct-tape-engineer something that “requires a little fiddling until it works” and I’m the only one who can competently use it, I’m setting up the rest of my household for failure when (not if), for whatever reason, I’m not there to babysit it or walk them through it.
“Oh so you’re telling me it works via the flow of electrons to power motors and sensors? Hold my beer.”
Side note: This is why it’s infuriating that companies seem to believe what we want is unsecured bluetooth / wi-fi enabled toothbrushes hooked up to our home networks and smartphones via some equally hacky app that tries to link toothbrush usage to buying habits and ad efficiency.
Hehe so funny seeing Trogdor references in 2024. :D
YES!!! I used to take so much pride in theming!
It’s actually one of the reasons I really enjoyed Windows ME. Usability was awful, yes, but it came with so many icons and sound packs and wallpapers and screensavers!!
Back in the day I even amassed a bunch of .WAVs cut from movies for computer sounds. It made frustrating fatal errors softer when accompanied by “Bring out yer deaaad!”
Linux really does feel like that again, except it’s actually usable.
Also I’m so glad KDE has login sounds now, so I hear the MechWarrior startup sequence whenever I log in. :)
Man I had to double-check what Lemmy community I was in. There’s a lot of boss-apologists in this thread. O.o
taking other people’s time very seriously
This is a kind thing to do, but I also put it squarely in the “respect is earned” category.
I wouldn’t give someone hell for being 10 mins late because traffic or whatever, but if their standard is expecting me to be there half an hour early, just staring at the clock, won’t let me clock in early and just get to it, burning time I’ll never get back, anxiously awaiting to clock in on the dot and not a minute more or else…
…They clearly don’t think much of my time and therefore the relationship is going to be adversarial in nature.
until it is wrested from their cold dead hands.
Does the wresting happen often or do most folks just wait for Father Time to do all the work? :( lol
Hey I wanted my RGB sticks okay?! Jk hahaha.
You’re right! I think…I don’t have a swap partition on this machine. I think I was gonna set up a swap file but that was a bit more involved post-install than I wanted to delve into at the time…
…but I did get ZRAM working, and that’s pretty amazing! It feels like getting more RAM for free haha.
It wasn’t the most absolutely necessary upgrade in the world, but I feel like it gives me more room to get away with dumb things and course correct in things like Blender, and might come in handy down the line since I don’t see myself upgrading much for a while.