• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I dunno, I kinda like this idea that the players will be so responsible and active over their own entertainment that they’ll pick something to actively do to make something happen!

    I’m still new to GMing, and one thing I encounter a lot is my local family/friends as players can be very passive in the "we gather to be entertained (everyone looks at GM like “now what?”) " kinda way.

    And I’m always freaking out because I can’t offer some incredible satisfying plot like they’d get watching TV shows or whatever. I’m afraid of everything being not good enough lol. My previous coping mechanism was sticking closely to the book…which in this case was 50 Fathoms, a seafaring sandbox fantasy setting.

    …I had to “make things happen to them” , but was REALLY afraid of somehow breaking the world (Morrowind-style lol) if I threw something too “Act 2” at them too fast.

    And their captain seemed content just rolling random encounters while trading goods between ports. LOL

    I think I really need to trust serendipity and stop planning so much. One of my best games was introducing my wife and her brother to Savage Worlds by just walking them into a bar and being goofy.

    They made their characters after League of Legends characters. The bartender was a monkey. They caused some kind of trouble and the monkey threw a flaming ha-pooo-ken at them…oh no, the dice kept exploding! Roll for wound location…“unmentionables.” Oof. They were laughing so hard.

  • This. One thing I couldn’t stand about Reddit was seeing people who have so little going on in their lives that they thought it worthwhile to “background check” other posters.

    This was a big thing with Twitter too. “Oh, they follow such-and-such in their list of 10,000 follows, who turned out to be bad in recent news, so this person’s views are worthless and they must also be bad!”

    Like, being able to have a quick glance and be like "Ah this is clearly a bot / hate-troll / what-haves, can be handy for some sense of accountability, but purity-testing and association-mobs are the stuff of cautionary science fiction, and should be avoided.

  • MonkeMischieftomemes@lemmy.worldBeing cringe
    13 hours ago

    Hehe I kinda like this.

    People are very used to seeing short-attention-span success stories. And budding creators are often very self-conscious because of that expectation.

    The stuff in the middle before people even notice the work sometimes comes across as “cringe”, and I think being afraid to cross that barrier stops a lot of people from improving or sharing themselves with the world.

    Sometimes you gotta be willing to take that walk so that you earn the privilege of being able to turn around and laugh at the lessons learned later on…

    I dunno am I missing the point? Lol

  • Especially with Trump showing he’s not afraid to impose tariffs on a whim.

    Yeah I dunno 100% what comes imported from Brasil off the top of my head…Oh, my favorite coffee beans come from there!

    But boy oh boy are we U.S folk excited , thrilled even, to (checks papers) have handbag-baby-man frivolously attempt to bully other countries by threatening to (paper flip)…

    Punish us with even higher prices on goods and more foreign disdain. . .?

    Bros…I think we’re hostages but the hostage taker doesn’t understand countries or economics. Plz help I think it’s pretty clear this guy has a hate-boner for Americans. :(

  • Edit: A little bit of a cathartic rant to people who will understand lol. I love you all. <3

    Echo chamber or not, I’m happy to finally be back on Lemmy and see some damn community positivity about Linux for a change. It isn’t perfect but it’s beautiful and it’s worth it and it’s ours.

    It’s a resistance instrument over ever-entitled, creeping corporate control over our lives, it’s not “better Windows”, it’s just better.

    I just got super bummed out reading a bunch of those bizarre “Normal people can’t be bothered and it doesn’t instantly just work with a single button push so it’s too complicated and everyone will hate it forever.” Tirades… You know the ones…

    The kicker… That was after I stumbled from an unrelated link into /r/linux !!, when someone was asking how to help people not be “so scared” to try Linux.

    Huge, angry posts about how it can’t stand up to proprietary capital-ware, and asking users to click a button or type a word “is just too much.” It’s freaking sad.

    I dunno if the reddit brigading just got super bad or they’re all self-loathing over there. But it was weird. And bitter.

    I’m happy with our operating-system punk movement, where we invite artists and gamers and coders and family members to learn something and have their computing experience back, since we can’t go back to the 00’s when computing was an activity and the Internet was a place.

    The servile corporate wageslaves who disregard their rights and throw a fit whenever they need to troubleshoot something, can keep their bloated service-appliances and their self righteous corpo-simp attitudes, whilst loudly announcing “tHe DeSkToP iS dYiNg” and “aNdRoiD iS LiNuX.” They can keep it.

    Meanwhile we welcome the curious, and the seeking, and those wanting something more.

    I don’t care if we’ll never get “critical mass adoption.” Part of me hopes I never see Linux getting talked about in mainstream TV news or something, because that’s when the grifters will descend like vultures and corporations and states will be wanting a piece of it.

    But hey I’ll gladly take the time to help someone discover it and enjoy it as much as possible so it can be even greater than it is today. I’ll gladly release my work to be Linux compatible and donate to software that changes my life for the better every day.

    I’ll gladly troubleshoot a little, and be patient, and donate when I can, and report bugs, and share what I’ve learned. Because we’re in this community together, and Open Source belongs to all of us, and you’re doing a great job.

  • You’re exactly right. And this is scary right now.

    They’ve been polarizing “tHe GuN iSsUe” for decades now, to divide people into easily sortable balls in their stupid game of “Hungry Hungry Hippos.” Playing with that fire has officially reached the “and find out” phase.

    On one hand, a large portion of 2A sided voters have started wearing stupid little red hats, buying even bigger smoking pickup trucks, and fallen to the side of literal nazis, (if they weren’t already nazis).

    A chunk of team red are terrified of the government but for some reason want our/their employers to have absolute rule of divine right or something.

    The other major faction has spent decades trying to actively disarm the people, enact bans, and straight up tried to get the Second Amendment removed. They’ve actively pushed disinformation and peddle ideas that scarier-looking firearms increase mass-murder potential and we should all be super afraid of them. “Only the rich and enlisted should be wielding these things!”

    Most of these voters’ ability to fight for their rights end at a picket line and some very harsh social media criticism. (Look out!)

    Both factions’ officials generally think everyday street cops would look absolutely baller rolling through town in more secondhand battle vehicles and fully automatic weaponry.

    My point is:

    For rational people who understand the core of our Constitution despite it going through various manipulative marketing filters throughout every cycle, it’s REALLY hard to know who your real friends are outside your immediate circle.

    So it’s more important than ever to organize as civilly as possible to fight this nonsense, but educate your friends on how to protect each other when that falls through. We’re quickly approaching a point where we can’t abide the privilege of ignorance if we’re to present meaningful resistance to these bullies.