• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • MonkeMischieftomemes@lemmy.worldHolesome alright
    3 days ago

    I don’t think they were claiming it was “too PC” so much as just movie industry trends. Like executives don’t see money in stupid-funny comedies these days maybe? I do wonder myself at the reason why.

    Impractical Jokers do be funny guys though. :D

  • I just miss silly spoof movies.

    I feel like those " (genre) Movie" films were such weak throwaways and the silly parody movie quietly just died shortly after. Especially when everything wanted to be an “adult comedy” or a “dramedy” (ughh!)

    You don’t really see that fun absurdist trope-poking humor of Kung Pow!, Airplane, Monty Python, or Austin Powers, anymore. Spy movie spoofs were such a great time. :)

    A TV show called Angie Tribeca did this SO WELL. It was such a great cop show parody full of silly wordplay and puns and unbelievably ridiculous scenarios.

  • Very well put.

    I think it’s very natural to just want a threat to be known and made tangible.

    Things are so insanely complicated, that fixing systemic issues feels insurmountable. It makes one’s head spin and feel rather helpless because it requires either power en masse or concentrated power in the right hands. Especially when there’s bad guys that defend and praise the broken system, but their elimination still wouldn’t fix it.

    But man, if there was just some mustache-twirling mastermind in a lair somewhere sending out emails to all the other bad guys, and we took him out to save the world…Hooray! Much simpler! That would be a much more preferable scenario. A cinematic face-off against Skeletor / Palpatine / Rupert Murdoch / whatever, rather than trying to undo the corrupting influence of masses of oppressed people all thinking “But this broken system benefited me so it can’t be that bad bro.”

  • U.S dwelling Christian anarchist here.

    I’m sorry for your terrible experiences with so-called “christians” that bought into the americapitalist death cult. Heck, politics aside, everyone’s had a run-in at some point. We’re embattled with those types, too.

    But nah, there’s plenty of Christians here that actually read the source material and we’re trying our best out here.

    We’re just harder to spot because we’re busy trying to love our neighbor(everyone) and facilitate peace and hope, imperfect as we may be. But we’re trying.

    They don’t build mega/(maga?)churches for people like that. These folks don’t get featured on the news, or end up in positions of power, because if they get the chance, they talk about the “Love your enemies” and “The rich won’t enter Heaven” Jesus of the Gospel, not “supply-side God will make you rich Jesus.”

    They’re not trying to force theocratic policy, or sling hatred, or act obnoxious in the streets, and they’re definitely not wearing stupid little red hats.

    If you encounter one of us, you might not even realize it. If we’re doing a good job, we’re somebody who “looks like they could help.”, someone you can trust, and will show you an unusual amount of kindness for someone you barely know.

    If it comes around to it, we’ll share the Bible as a gift, like how anyone nerds out about what they love, not use it as a bludgeoning instrument.

    We’re incredibly angry about the State Religion calling itself “evangelical”, and we’re right there with you in opposing these monsters doing the works of Hell.

    The churches of the early United States were straight up based. For real, the tophats and monacles of the day thought churches were a leftist threat, and basically systematically undermined them and warped them into capitalism’s ardent apologists we see today. (See: "Behind the Bastards: How the Rich Ate Christianity. It’s mind blowing.)

    Anyway, much love, stay safe out there. ❤️

  • I agree that lots of US folk are too complacent and miseducated to be useful, and many of our biggest wishes is just trying to get grown adults to have even a shred of responsibility for themselves and those around them.

    I think people generally were a bit less useless until corporate influence pushed its hardest to culture-breed a dumber and more subservient consumer-employee type of human being, and was mostly successful.

    Paywalling and undercutting education being a massive factor here.

    But “sinophobia”? LOL! No.

    Willing to bet most people , aside from the usual suspects, are just fine with Chinese people and culture.

    Anyone with sense should be afraid of Pooh-bear’s CCP dominating global politics. A regime which tells the Chinese people what “their culture” is allowed to be, and forcibly injects itself into daily life.

    Politically, judging by how they treated Hong Kong, and are currently treating (was gonna list but…dang that’s a list.) …every neighbor …yeah that would be bad news.

    This country isn’t perfect, obviously. But I’d rather have the shred of a chance for us and other countries, that getting our shit together could change something for the better eventually.

    You simply wouldn’t get that chance with China or Russia holding dominating influence.