My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I’m dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.

  • tal
    10 months ago

    I don’t play an instrument – only one in my family who doesn’t – so I’m not coming from a position of any expertise. But, I’d think that it’d depend an awful lot on your specific situation.

    • Do you want an instrument that’s portable? Do you want it to be something that you can easily carry around with you, something to use at home, or something that can easily move in a vehicle? I mean, a harmonica and a grand piano are pretty different beasts.

    • How loud? Practicing an instrument can be kinda noticeable for people in the area, and some are a lot louder than others. If you’re living alone at a farmhouse, that has a different impact than if you’re in an apartment building.

    • I’d probably play something that you like to listen to. I don’t know what instruments you like to listen to.

    • I have no idea how much you want to spend. There’s a pretty big price range.

    If I were going to learn to play an instrument, I suspect that I’d learn the keyboard so that I could hook a MIDI keyboard up to a computer and take advantage of that. I could just put on headphones and play it essentially silently WRT everyone else, whenever I wanted. And it’d let me drive a lot of synthesizer software. But those characteristics may be of no interest to you.