• Ech
    282 months ago

    Same goes for people that respond “just google it” to online questions on social media. It’s about the conversation, ya dinks.

    • Funkytom467
      82 months ago

      That but also googling isn’t that easy for some questions (especially for those who don’t know how to google well).

      For instance you lost the name of something, and let’s say it’s something niche…

      I love how language ai can now help with that.

      • Plus if you post the answer in a reply it means that everyone else who reads the thread now has it without needing to do their own searches.

        It’s really screwed up how many people still think that conversations on publicly a accessible websites are one-on-one things.

      • credit crazy
        32 months ago

        Yeah once I found these balls on my porch that kinda looked like frog eggs but where too small and not blonde together like frog eggs and at that kind of situation what do you even put in the search bar and reverse image searches only gave me pictures of frog eggs only when I made the post on Lemmy that I found out what chia seeds look like and that’s what I was looking at