it’s how she describes herself lmao


  • WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]
    9 months ago

    Wanted to clear up a few misunderstandings about my beliefs.

    Some misunderstandings I think some people had:

    1. I was complaining about fictional characters being called trans

    No. I agree its annoying when people insist that characters aren’t trans. Characters like Ruka from Steins Gate and Ferris from Re:zero are common examples where its seems pretty obvious the characters are, yet people whine when people suggest that they’re trans representation or relatable for trans people. And even when Bridget was confirmed trans, there were still plenty of people who still refused to acknowledge that. Such complaints are transphobic and I’d never agree with them.

    I think an adjacent assumption people made is that I’m totally against suggesting to a real person that they are an egg when they do things that suggest they’re eggs. I’d personally think I’d have preferred someone to have said something when I’ve made pretty obvious comments, so I’m not a strict believer in the “prime egg directive.” OTOH, even if I think someone is an egg, if they ask to be gendered a specific way, I’m always going to respect their request (unless they’re just obviously being transphobic, such as asking to be identified as an attack helicopter). Personally, I talk about how I think my mom might be an egg online and how her transphobia is the primary thing keeping her from realizing it. I don’t want to deal with her transphobia, so I have a hard time trying to talk about these things with her. I think Mafumafu is case of a celebrity whom I wonder if they might be an egg, but as long as he says he’s a man, I’m going to address him as such. I’d love to find out otherwise though. I don’t think reverse-transphobia is a thing, so I’m not suggesting its equivalent misgendering trans people for not conforming to stereotypes.

    1. I was suggesting trans women are not women

    Pretty clearly answered this already by saying otherwise. But I’m going to repeat it here: trans women are women. Whether someone conforms to local stereotypes for women or not have no bearing on whether they’re women.

    1. I’m a cis man/femboy

    Ironic seeing a comment calling a trans fem person a man and implying I’m a femboy being upvoted. I don’t blame the user, but no one thought to correct them? Pretty confident I’d have noticed if someone as active as I’ve been the past few weeks up to my ban was being misgendered like that.

    1. I think badly of egg_irl/tra users.

    The only reason I left is because of the reddit API and IPO stuff. I’d still be there otherwise and generally liked them (the trans communities were the main thing I missed about reddit). I’m not a fan of compliments personally, so I tend to avoid giving compliments: giving compliments feels like it is genuinely insulting. So, I have a tendency to make fun of things I like or consider myself a part of instead. Works better IRL because tone gets loss in text and people lack the context to understand that actual meaning. I do think reddit as a platform tends to push up cookie-cutter responses (“THIS ^”) that people feel rewarded for by karma, so certain things get a bit spammy. But the same is true across all of reddit and not intended to be a serious insult of the individuals who participate in such (including myself) and the spammy nature can still be fun (at least for a while). I personally found the weekly egg joke aimed at a specific IRL person who has asked repeatedly to be gendered otherwise distasteful, but not a serious offense. This is what I was referring to in the main sentence people took contention with. My intended point was people should have their gender respective regardless of how they’re presenting at that moment. If I wanted to complain about something seriously, I’d have brought up how often trans men were misgendered on accident.