“We’re gonna end it on day one … the whole thing is crazy,” Trump said on a Philadelphia talk show.

  • @hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
    82 months ago

    If he was actually truthful he’d be talking about setting up concentration camps, but that doesn’t quite fly yet. I give it a few years until the Overton Window is that far right

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      -312 months ago

      Biden will always support Israel, you saw how much they care about his “warnings”.

      But Israel can’t do this genocide with America.

      And it might not be for the right reasons, but you can’t count on trump to do really anything that’s not easy like this.

      He’d pull aid from Israel for the dumbest reason. He doesn’t fucking care what happens there.

      That’s not the same as Biden.

      Biden is willing to lose office rather than take a stand against Israel. You think trump is that loyal to anything?

      • @hydroptic@sopuli.xyz
        162 months ago

        I have no idea how anything you said is related to my quip about conservatives wanting to set up concentration camps for trans folks (or probably “wokists” in general)

      • Cethin
        52 months ago

        Wow, this is a dumb comment. Not only is it not relevant, it’s wrong. Even in this article Trump mentions that Biden has been handling the war wrong and the Jews shouldn’t vote for him. If Biden is handling it poorly, but it’s because he’s not more in favor of Israel, what do you think Trump will do? He’s said it before, that he wants it expanded and for Israel to finish the job.

        Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

      • Dreizehn
        32 months ago

        BS, both parties support Apartheid Israel no matter what. The Israelis will plop some cash on the Mango Mussolini’s desk and they will receive unlimited support.