• MacN'Cheezus
    35 months ago

    Really? That’s quite surprising. I understand that it’s not trivial to algorithmically parse a resume formatted for human consumption even though it’s a somewhat structured format, just because the formatting can vary quite a lot, but there’s only so many different types of information on there, and little of it has any overlap in terms of how it could be categorized, so I would think an AI should be quite effective at picking it up.

    Then again, I’m not an AI expert and I certainly haven’t attempted to do anything like this.

    • The models can do alright for very simple resumes, but once you start getting into multiple page ones it gets messy.

      While resumes follow a pattern that we’re able to easily recognize, there’s so much variation that even with AI you have to add in a ton of heuristics to control for hallucinations.