During the 2022 midterms, Voces de la Frontera Action poured its resources into mobilizing support for Democrats at the ballot box, with volunteer members directly contacting nearly 30,000 voters in their network and reaching 30,000 more through phone-banking and door-knocking, according to the organization. In 2020, Voces supported Biden’s presidential run.

Now, the group has turned its efforts toward promoting the Uninstructed campaign with mailers, door-knocking and social media promotion.

  • @juicyOP
    -23 months ago

    If Biden keeps sending weapons to Israel while it systematically starves 2 million people, you and him are going to be in for a nasty surprise come November. I will not vote for genocide, and there are thousands of other democrats who feel the same way.

    • @Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
      43 months ago

      So instead you’re going to support the guy who wants to actively help Israel wipe out the Palestinian people. Yeah, that makes sense. 0.o

      • @juicyOP
        -23 months ago

        Have you been under a rock the past 6 months? That’s precisely what Biden has been doing. And no, I’m not voting for Trump, either. There are candidates running who aren’t genocidal ghouls.