Cannon seemed to invite Trump to raise the argument again at trial, where Jack Smith canā€™t appeal, expert says

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday rejected one of former President Donald Trumpā€™s motions to dismiss his classified documents case.

Cannon shot down Trumpā€™s motion arguing that the Espionage Act is unconstitutionally vague when applied to a former president.

Cannon after a daylong hearingĀ issued an orderĀ saying some of Trumpā€™s arguments warrant ā€œserious considerationā€ but wrote that no judge has ever found the statute unconstitutional. Cannon said that ā€œrather than prematurely decide now,ā€ she denied the motion so it could be ā€œraised as appropriate in connection with jury-instruction briefing and/or other appropriate motions.ā€


ā€œThe Judgeā€™s ruling was virtually incomprehensible, even to those of us who speak ā€˜legalā€™ as our native language,ā€ former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance wrote onĀ Substack, calling part of her ruling ā€œdeliberately dumb.ā€

ā€œThe good news here is temporary,ā€ Vance wrote. ā€œItā€™s what Iā€™d call an ugly win for the government. The Judge dismissed the vagueness argumentā€”but just for today. She did it ā€˜without prejudice,ā€™ which means that Trumpā€™s lawyers could raise the argument again later in the case. In fact, the Judge seemed to do just that in her order, essentially inviting the defense to raise the argument again at trial.ā€

    4 months ago

    Remember when Hilary threw the election away by not even campaigning in what were otherwise secure democratic states that she lost, and how she spent so much time giving secret talks to rich people and corporations behind security and white noise generators, and generally did everything she could to be unlikable? and if she had put in even the slighest modicum of effort, sheā€™d be the president we complained about instead of the Trump horror show despite of all of Russias interference and bullshit?

      12ā€¢4 months ago

      I mean all of that might be true but I still put a lot of blame on the assholes who voted for trump.

      Sometimes we act like only Democrats have agency, and Republicans are just like a force of nature. Like a fire that burns without thought or a bear that mauls because thatā€™s what bears do. But theyā€™re still people and they could have chosen something else.

      Trump supporters are at fault.

      ā€œClinton didnā€™t come to my state and make me feel specialā€ is not an acceptable justification for supporting the catastrofuck that is trump.

        6ā€¢4 months ago

        Its not ā€œClinton didnt come to my state and make me feel specialā€


        ā€œClinton didnt go to these states, to engage with her base and share with them her vision, plans, goals, etc, Which allowed just enough to be swayed by those that didā€

          1ā€¢4 months ago

          If this was 1840 Iā€™d be more convinced. We have the internet. Weā€™ve had radio for a hundred years. You shouldnā€™t need to go to a rally to know what a major politicanā€™s visions, plans, goals, etc, are.

          ā€œI felt ignoredā€ is a stupid emotional response, but I can understand it, kind of. Sometimes Iā€™m petty, too. Feeling so ignored that you vote for trump is inexcusable, though. I donā€™t think Iā€™d excuse shirking your civic duty here, either.

            1ā€¢3 months ago

            You are sure hung up on this whole ā€œI was ignoredā€ thing.

            Are you, specifically, upset that cause you felt ignored?

              1ā€¢3 months ago

              Thatā€™s what I took from the ā€œshe didnā€™t come to my state and share her vision with me, specificallyā€ thing. Or the related "I donā€™t like being called flyover country ", I guess. Maybe I just donā€™t get the people in question.

              I live in a major city and donā€™t feel politically ignored. A little, what do you call it, victim of a tyranny of a minority, sometimes, what with like North and South Dakota having senators.

        • Optional
          1ā€¢4 months ago

          To be fair, thatā€™s mostly what her campaign manager was supposed to work out.


      10ā€¢4 months ago

      Remember when the party fucked over Bernie for an institutionalized candidate who no-one liked instead?

      And if you want to argue that they didnā€™t have a choice, itā€™s the difference of 300 delegates in the face of internal organizational opinion that you control. You canā€™t maintain that it wasnā€™t a choice. The DNC chose Hilary.

        1ā€¢4 months ago

        for an institutionalized candidate who no-one liked instead?

        How idiotic can you get? If no one liked the nominee she wouldnā€™t have had the most votes.

        The DNC chose Hilary.

        By ā€œDNCā€ you mean the voters?

        You canā€™t maintain that it wasnā€™t a choice.

        Exactly. Stop pretending it wasnā€™t the voterā€™s choice. That is Trump level bullshit. There just wasnā€™t enough of us voting Bernie.