Stupid suburban white people, maybe?
There are people that think if you walk around downtown Brooklyn you’ll be double mugged. People of the land. Common clay of the new West.
Stupid suburban white people, maybe?
There are people that think if you walk around downtown Brooklyn you’ll be double mugged. People of the land. Common clay of the new West.
That makes sense to me.
But they don’t want to make businesses do anything, even if it means choking the oceans with trash and filling our bodies with plastic. Frankly, they’re bad people that we shouldn’t put up with.
Yeah but like if they find it was fraud are they going to do anything about it? More than a slap on the wrist? Like, jail time? A public hanging? Probably nothing, as usual. but I can hope.
I think there’s a little bit of nuance, at least. Like refusing to call a nazi salute a nazi salute, or excessive use of passive voice (eg: “A man was killed after an encounter with the police”). Those things aren’t making the world better.
A heady mix of stupidity and treason
“This violation, if proven, only warrants a symbolic fine,” Spiro argued
Reminded of the narcissist’s prayer
That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
I hope when the revolution comes, all the people like this lawyer that enabled Musk also go up against the wall.
Some people are more or less followers, but we all have it to some degree. You’re more likely to believe a trusted source than someone you’ve never met before. If your best bud tells you a game is good, you likely give it more credit than some random guy on the street, or a guy wearing the t-shirt for a sports team you hate.
edit: I forgot i usually link this comic https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe
it’s a very similar idea
I say this a lot, but all humans are heavily biased towards believing their in-group. For some people that’s basically all that matters. I feel like authoritarians, right wing authoritarians, are especially prone to this. Facts and figures don’t matter. It’s the emotional core of “fit in with the group” and “outsiders BAD” that’s driving it, and all the justifications come afterwards.
I don’t want to say anything like they’re like animals or subhuman, because this behavior is extremely human. We all do it to some extent. It’s just for some people it’s so dominant, and their in-group is so dangerously stupid, it’s a real problem for all of us.
Everyone who votes Republican deserves shit like this. But unfortunately we’re all stuck with them, and they seem incapable of learning.
I don’t know if that’s exactly a Venn diagram that’s a circle, but I think if you lose all the conservatives you also lose the capitalists. Whoever you’d have left would be amenable to change.
I took a like journalism 101 course in college as an elective, and we had a couple lessons on this. One of them, the teacher gave us a bunch of websites and was like “Tell me which of these are legitimate.” Some were crackpots, some were satire, some were just weird news. When we went over the assignment in class, we talked about strategies for figuring it out.
I think a lot of people never had that class, or they slept through it.
Sometimes I’m really optimistic about humanity, but sometimes I remember the stupidest kids from school. No attention span. No curiosity. A lot of them are probably out in the world making decisions right now.
Group membership matters to all of us. It’s like one of the primary drivers of belief. We might think we’re rational and cool logical people but that’s a lie. We trust people we see as being in-group, and we trust facts from them.
For some people, like many republicans, it’s also the only thing that really matters.
This may have been a viable strategy in like 3000BCE when you had to stick with your group of idiots, because otherwise you’d be left for dead or worse by the enemy tribe. It’s not really a solid strategy in 2025CE.
But that’s really the whole problem. People (often but not always republicans) put their group membership ahead of everything else. This is happening like deep in the emotional part of their psyche. There’s no easy fix. You’d probably have to get them to join some other group and see that as primary, like maybe appeal to their sense of being American, but it’s going to be hard when there’s a lot of them. It’s like gravity, they all pull each other into the group.
I don’t know how to fix this.
One of the frustrating things is the people responsible for this brain drain, the conservative idiots, will never really suffer for this. Not in a way they understand.
If we get through this, every conservative needs to go up against the wall.
Anyone who says they are a “free speech absolutist” is a liar or a fool.
I don’t believe canada is perfect but the US is really fucking bad, so it would probably be an improvement.
Though enemies of the US would probably be cackling at it dissolving. US conservatives really are a heady cocktail of traitors and absolute fucking idiots.
It might come to that. People should organize and arm now. Even though that’s kind of hard and scary and I don’t know where to begin.
“Why should I care about other people?” is a question that comes up a lot, and I am deeply suspicious of people who don’t care about others.
Feel like we should not make disposable plastic anymore.
It’s not as difficult as people say it is, but it’s harder than the average game that wants you to win.
Games like Skyrim generally aren’t very hard. They might show you scary things like a big troll or dragon, but they’re mostly paper tigers. You can always pause the game and eat 90 cheese wheels to heal, or save scum, or whatever. On top of that, the default numbers are such that you can probably take a beating before you go down.
Elden Ring, and other fromsoft games, don’t generally do that. The big knight with the big axe will probably kill you if he hits you a couple times, and then you go back to the checkpoint to try again.
But there are so many ways to deal with that problem. Just run past the knight. Dodge. Get a big shield and block. Use ranged attacks. Use a spirit ash. Summon a whole other player. Cheese it with poison. Fuck off and come back with more levels/upgrades/trinkets
Players that just repeatedly try one approach over and over and over are going to have a bad time. There’s a field boss right after the tutorial. Some people will see it and spend hours fighting it. That shit is pretty hard when you’re basically naked, have the minimum amount of healing, and no other tools. Just walk away. It’s a really hard game if you insist on playing it in ways that maximize hardness
We outnumber the rich. If there weren’t so many idiots and boot lickers we could fix this problem