Audiences attending the SXSW premiere of “The Fall Guy,” starring Ryan Gosling, were not happy about having to watch a sizzle reel before the movie that touted the promises of AI.

      -24 months ago

      guess I found the new “ok, boomer” blanket dismissal phrase… this will be a fun decade

      • @FiniteBanjo
        24 months ago

        Fuck Off Shillbot 9000

        There are impressionable youths for you to lie to elsewhere

          -13 months ago

          …do you even know what a shill is? God, dishing out insults that don’t even make sense…

          • @FiniteBanjo
            13 months ago

            I’m flattered you robot scum consider us God. At least part of you knows your place.

              -13 months ago

              Just sit back, and consider what you’re writing. Check that it makes any legible sense, and most of all just take a moment to consider why your tone is so disparaging to someone you don’t even know.

              Also, just to take your comment at face value (because maybe you’re just a teen still learning how to form arguments): if you truly do fear a robot uprising to the degree that you need to insult those you perceive as robots, how do you think you will fare when an actual robot uprising occurs?

              Or conversely: if you denigrate everyone you disagree with as being nothing more than robots and elevate yourself to Godhood status in contrast, then what does that actually say about the fragility of your ego when faced with mere robots?

              • @FiniteBanjo
                13 months ago

                They always forget to code in the quit for these fuckers. Most humans would give up after two or three replies that were complete resignation from the conversation and purely insults.

                Masochist fucking robots.