• @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    Rationalwiki is not a good source. Like, at all. Do you really trust a bunch of “bestiality is OK” libertarians to have a good take on anything? Also I wouldn’t be surprised if those were the same people who started gamergate as that’s absolutely the propagandized timeline of gamergaters.

    EDIT: Yeah i’m actually glad we had this conversation. I never would have made that connection on my own.

    • @odelik
      5 months ago

      TBH, I never dug into rational wiki. However the timeline is fairly accurate from what I watched what happened to my friends both in the game industry and my former friends that were gamers (hint, i worked in games when this shit was unfolding).

      Unfortunately, no other “timeline” source exists, with Wikipedia starting its paragraphs of history with Zoe Quinn creating Depression Quest, and many many other articles starting there as well. Some people like to attribute a slightly earlier event of a handful of journalists critiquing gamers over their reactions to the Mass Effect 3 ending, but that doesn’t really fit with how quickly things snowballed after “The Zoe Post”.