“Attempts to restore Russia’s 1991 borders will lead only to one thing - a global war with Western countries with the use of our entire strategic (nuclear) arsenal against Kyiv, Berlin, London, and Washington. And against all other beautiful historic places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad,” Medvedev said in a reference to the triad of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and strategic bombers with nuclear weapons.

  • @tal
    4 months ago


    It just gets crazier and crazier. Now Dmitry Medvedev, the unhinged factotum of Vladimir Putin, says Alaska belongs to Russia — or else.

    Or else what? Or else war. Not with Ukraine. Not with Estonia. But with the United States.

    Here’s Medvedev’s lunatic statement in its entirety: “According to a State Department representative, Russia is not getting back Alaska, which was sold to the United States in the 19th century. This is it, then. And we’ve been waiting for it to be returned any day. Now war is unavoidable.”


    Russia’s former president, Dmitry Medvedev, writes that ‘if necessary, we are ready to help with the independence referendum, and we will recognize the People’s Republic of Texas if there is one.’

    In the course of about two weeks, we’ve got him proposing Russia helping set up Texas as an independent country, Russia definitely starting a nuclear war with the US because Alaska isn’t becoming a new Russian oblast, and stating that efforts to return Russia to her 1991 borders, which have been going on for some time, will result in nuclear war with the US, UK, Germany, Ukraine, and some unspecified other set of countries.

    I’d say that he’s got a pretty considerable set of foreign policy goals to get through there.