Edit: new and improved image, now with 100% less support! Used my expert photo editing skills to change “supporting” to say “voting for”

  • MacN'Cheezus
    8 months ago

    Alright then, thanks for putting it all out there. I appreciate the honesty. Much easier to argue with people who don’t beat around the bush or hide their true intentions like a lot of other folks on this site tend to do.

    Did you just skim my post, or something?

    Yes. Why would I waste my time reading through your walls of text to figure out how exactly you arrived at your idiotic conclusions when I already know what they are? That’s gonna be your responsibility to figure out where you went wrong in your chain of causality when you’ll meet with the inevitable end of your rope. Because, just to save you some time, those who champion the principle of death over life have always eventually met with their own destruction, and so will you, if you are as hellbent as you seem to be on destroying something you neither seem to understand nor appreciate.

    Is abortion good? Do you believe abortion to be good, or bad? Are you “undecided”, on this issue?

    I’m definitely more on the pro-life side on this issue, so I believe abortion is bad unless it’s necessary to save the mother’s life and the fetus isn’t viable. And by “necessary” I mean medically necessary, i.e. in order to avert imminent risk of death, not “there goes my dream to study archeology” or something like that.

    If abortion is good, why is it bad to circumvent the legal framework?

    Because the framework exists for a reason, and it has worked fairly well for the last 250 years. It strikes a careful balance between serving the needs of the majority without excessively oppressing the minority. Yes, I’m sure you can bring up many examples of where minorities were oppressed, but that’s always going to happen in a majority-based system. The key word here is “excessively”. Many Indians were slaughtered, for example, but they weren’t entirely wiped out. We dropped two nuclear bombs on a foreign country but then we didn’t wipe them out entirely just because we could, and instead made a peace agreement with them.

    Perhaps you’re still young and you don’t understand the concept of mercy just yet, but one day you will.

    • daltotron@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Oh, so you’re just a troll who’s not gonna read any of my shit, then, and you also don’t understand sarcasm. Luckily, since I’ve realized that you’re a bad faith tool, I also don’t have to afford the same courtesies to you, and waste my time reading your posts or writing a thought-out response.

      You might try reading someday, it might help your dumb ass learn some shit instead of just thinking you’re smarter than everyone else all the time, and you’ve already arrived at the correct conclusions. Also, nice trolling, I’m sure you got your (you)s, but it doesn’t really end up working to convince any third reader of this, when you’re so obviously cherry picking pieces of my argument.

      • MacN'Cheezus
        8 months ago

        “Boo-hoo, everyone who disagrees with me is a troll and acting in bad faith”

        Was that also sarcasm or are you really this immature?

        Just because I’m picking out the most salient points of your argument to focus on doesn’t mean I don’t take the time to write a thoughtful response. You call it cherry picking, I call it prioritization. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to read these walls of text and my experience has taught me that debates on the Internet work much better if you only focus on one or two arguments at a time instead of like, 10. That’s called respecting people’s time, and your terse response, besides being absolute dogshit content-wise, is doing a far better job at it than your previous ones.

        Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.