Former Fox News anchor and far-right commentator Tucker Carlson recently completed his speaking tour of Canada. Apparently, he wants to “liberate” us from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Carlson is now visiting Moscow to convene with the paragon of freedom and democracy himself: Russian President Vladimir Putin. The last few weeks
I’m not enthusiastic about this either, and I’m no fan of Tucker Carlson, but I’d add one thing that might be worth keeping in mind.
Charles Lindbergh – a famous American aviator of the time – actually did tour Berlin (well, in 1938, not 1940, but not far off).
He didn’t meet Hitler, but did dine with and was given a medal by Goering. He supported an America First position, advocated for non-intervention in Europe, and was a prominent advocate, right up until the US was actually attacked by Japan and had war declared on it by Germany and Italy, of not providing aid to European countries at risk. Kind of Carlsonian, honestly.
But there was also a bit more to the story of his time in Germany that the public didn’t know at the time.
I’m not going to say that Carlson is doing something like that, or even that one has to like Lindbergh. But I am going to point out that at the time, a number of people felt very much the same way about Lindbergh that they did about Carlson for rather similar reasons and in a rather similar scenario, and on that occasion, they were making the call with only a partial picture of the situation.
The idea that Tucker is going there to spy could not be more ridiculous. You are writing fanfiction.
He probably isn’t, but I think that it’s worth pointing out Lindburgh’s similar situation.
On that note, though, did you know what Carlson’s first choice of career was?
Lindbergh ran for president as a Nazi. He was deeply involved in the German American bund. Comparing Carlson to him is positively damning.