Polish farmers’ Solidarity trade union announced a nationwide strike on Feb. 1 that will start with the blockading of all Polish border crossings with Ukraine.

  • @tal
    25 months ago

    Farmers in France, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, and Germany have also been protesting what they claim are the negative impacts on farming of the EU’s efforts to address climate change, as well as the influx of cheap Ukrainian imports to aid Ukraine’s war effort.

    “Additionally, the passivity of the Polish authorities and declarations of cooperation with the European Commission … regarding the import of agricultural produce and food products from Ukraine leave us with no other choice but to declare a general strike.”

    Protip: push for corn ethanol and say that it’ll protect the environment if you want a trendy way to get artificial demand for agriculture.

    We produce like half of the world’s ethanol in the US.


    It is debatable whether the production and use of corn ethanol results in lower greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline.[1][2] Approximately 45% of U.S. corn croplands are used for ethanol production.[3]

    Staggering amount of artificial demand right there.