I’ve seen a lot of posts here on Lemmy, specifically in the “fuck cars” communities as to how Electric Vehicles do pretty much nothing for the Climate, but I continue to see Climate activists everywhere try pushing so, so hard for Electric Vehicles.

Are they actually beneficial to the planet other than limiting exhaust, or is that it? or maybe exhaust is a way bigger problem?

  • ara
    135 months ago

    The problem is not the people who live far from decent public transport but those people who live in the city and uses it every day, on city, all roads are always for vehicles like cars and trucks, instead to be for pedestrian and for bikes. On bad connected places a car can make sense but most of the people in city have cars when they rarely go outside, they could rent a car and would be cheaper for them for those days they need to move away. About EV, I think we still have the same problem, but the waste it generates keeps on ground instead flying on air.

    • You summarized perfectly the problem I see with the “fuck cars” crowd. They never acknowledge the need for cars in some cases. America’s population centers are definitely large cities where public transportation SHOULD be championed, but there has to be an acknowledgement of the rural population (around 15% in America I believe) where cars are a necessity.

      • @Kepabar@startrek.website
        145 months ago

        The rural population isn’t the issue, it’s suburbia which is where the majority of the US population lives.

        It’s not dense enough for public transportation to be viable and it’s zoned in a way that makes pedestrian traffic a non starter.

        Suburbia causes a lot of problems. I understand why it exists - owning a house with a yard is nice. I personally wouldn’t want to give that up to live in an urban environment if I didn’t have to

      • Uranium3006
        65 months ago

        but why should that 15% derail conversations about the vast majority of the rest of the country?

        • Hello_there
          -55 months ago

          Because the ‘founders’ made the Senate and house to be anti urban

          • ZephrC
            15 months ago

            So no one should ever be able to have a conversation without patting you on the head for being a special boy at the end of every sentence?

              • ZephrC
                05 months ago

                Well it’s a good thing no one is doing that then, isn’t it? Why does everyone feel the need to make up problems to whine about?

                For crying out loud I live in a small town and need a car. Do you think I don’t deserve access to decent public transportation?

                • @howrar@lemmy.ca
                  35 months ago

                  People do do this. Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean no one else does. I’ve had discussions with multiple people trying to convince me that anyone who drives a car is evil.

            • Not what I said, but go ahead and make your absurd conclusions. Just for the record, I’m 100% for public transportation, EVs, renewable energy, and getting off the fossil fuel tit.

              If we’re ever going to pull people along the path to that future, we have to accept and acknowledge the exceptions. Not all the time, but don’t ignore it like most articles I’ve read on the topic. I believe division occurs when people feel they are being ignored.

              • ZephrC
                35 months ago

                Honestly, I’m part of that 15%, and I feel more excluded by people pretending we can’t have mass transit just because my neighbors like big trucks than I am by people in cities not bringing me and my concerns up every time cars are mention.

                Rural communities got along just fine before the invention of the automobile. In fact, most of the people who have ever lived have been rural people without cars. The idea that we can’t have small walkable towns connected to decent mass transit is just incredibly stupid, and it pisses me off when everybody just assumes it’s unsolvable, moreso when it’s people who actually live here and should know better.

                • I agree with the idea of small communities being interconnected with a massive distribution of public transit. I would love to walk everywhere from my daily necessities, but still making it easy to get to larger social centers for other needs. I think that should be the goal we strive for as a society.

      • @chunkystyles@sopuli.xyz
        -15 months ago

        They never acknowledge the need for cars in some cases.

        That’s just not true. The movement is about boosting alternative transport. It’s not about eradicating cars.