• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023


  • care about people and try to make their time on this rock better than it otherwise might be.

    so many people have said exactly this in the comments, so thank you for being another one of them! I actually sat down and thought a lot about how I’ve treated other people and have been working on completely changing that. I’ve recently messaged someone who I blocked many years ago and said I was sorry for being an idiot and being rude where I really shouldn’t have been, cause people like you have made me realize how stupid I really have been back then and how much more important other peoples feelings are. he actually forgave me and seemed happy about it, and gave me some good advice. that was awesome! I’ve been trying a lot harder today to make strangers days better and a little happier when we meet and move on from each other (which can be pretty challenging to do with some people on the internet, but possible!) and it’s definitely made my anxiety a lot less, not completely gone away though and I hope to get back to a somewhat normal state soon where I can sleep better at night. I hope its not selfish for trying to become this person only after having someone close to me die and having these thoughts roam around my head, I just never have put a lot of thought into other peoples feelings or the situations they’re in. I have made a promise to myself though to keep trying for others even if and when I start to feel better again myself.

    wow sorry for the rant, thanks again and I really appreciate your comment!

  • Even while I lose sleep over the thought of pitch black too, talking about it to these amazing people including you have really helped me, so thank you for your comment! People like you and what you have said make me want to do more for “brighter tomorrows” for other people. I’ve learned by reading what people here on this post had to say that yes, it is worth it. Even if it’s just one brick on the road towards oblivion! Take care of yourself LainTrain, and again, thank you

  • To me, it was about carrying all of those amazing moments in life you cherish so deeply and bringing them with you to the afterlife. If it does exist who knows what will happen over there, but my fear is not that I’ll just lose touch, sense, sight or smell. But that I’ll lose all of my memories and experiences with my close friends and family that I hold so close and cherish more than anything. When I die, I want to remember my Dad and everything we’ve done together for eternity. It sounds weird, but that was just my way of thinking