Got the idea of posting this when I watched this YouTube video that talks about reasons men love playing as girls.

Why do you do it?
Are there more than one reason?
What do you enjoy about it the most?

  • tal
    1 year ago

    There are some exceptions – I like playing Nightmare, who is male, in the Soul Calibur series, due to his moveset – but absent broader gameplay considerations coming up, I’ll default to a female choice. I’d rather look at the female character through the course of the game.


    I play very few multiplayer games. The last time I was playing a 3D multiplayer game much was a long time ago, probably a Quake 2-based Team Fortress-style game, and then I played a male character, an engineer, because of his role.

    I haven’t played MUDs for ages, but there I generally played a male character.

    Sometimes games attach some sort of gameplay benefits on a gender-basis (e.g. male or female characters have slightly different stats or characteristics), and then I’ll sometimes choose the main character’s gender based on that, but that’s become less-common, maybe not politically-correct. Mount and Blade: Warband does that – it’s a medieval world and male and female characters have significantly-different roles there; there I’ll play a male character. The Fallout series had a long tradition of having the Black Widow/Lady Killer perk work differently based on a character’s gender; it’s generally advantageous to play a female character there.