• @Cowbee@lemm.ee
    17 months ago

    Users own the ability to make an instance on their own, you’re confusing moderation with ownership of Lemmy. It’s not like a Capitalist tool, or IP, it’s freely open source code.

    I see what you’re getting at, it’s just nonsense.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      17 months ago

      Oh, so it’s the theoretical ability that counts, not the actual physical ownership, is it?

      Well, by that definition, everyone in capitalism is a business owner, because everyone has the ability to start one in theory. The knowledge on how to do that is open source as well, you can just go to a library and read a book or better yet, ask someone who owns a business, they’ll tell you enough to get started.

      • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
        17 months ago

        I literally just explained why digital FOSS is completely different than a Capitalist instance of IP or physical tools, and thus FOSS has no barrier to entry beyond skill, rather than monetary goods, and you completely skipped over that.

        You really can’t answer anything honestly, can you?

        • MacN'Cheezus
          17 months ago

          Servers aren’t free, you know. Just ask your instance owner. And even if you can get manage to somehow get your hands on free hardware you still have to pay for electricity and an Internet connection.

          You’re making it sound like starting a business requires a minimum capital of a million dollars or something, when the actual barrier of entry is likely far lower than that.

          • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
            17 months ago

            You’re continuing to abstract further and further away. For Lemmy, there is no IP, the structure is free to use. For Reddit, it isn’t. Property Rights are a Capitalist notion, rejecting it is Socialist.

            You have nothing of value to add, just dodging.

            • MacN'Cheezus
              17 months ago

              On the contrary, I’m trying to make it more practical in order to show you that “real” communism doesn’t exist anywhere except in theory.

              In the real world, you almost always end up with a mixture of both socialism and free market capitalism. In fact, FOSS has done a great job showing that commercial success is possible without putting the profit motive first, even in a primarily capitalist environment.

              • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
                17 months ago

                FOSS is a rejection of Capitalism, the success of FOSS is the success of leftism.

                Real Communism of course hasn’t existed yet, even if a Socialist state existed at the time of Marx, Communism still likely wouldn’t exist. It can only exist globally, and after far more industrialization and automation has occurred. Socialism, ie democratization of production via worker ownership, is absolutely feasible.

                You’ve done nothing but prove everyone else here correct, you don’t actually know what you’re talking about and reflexively take a contrarion position to anything leftist, without actually thinking it through.

                • MacN'Cheezus
                  17 months ago

                  Okay, I get it, you’re just going to keep spouting propaganda material no matter what I say.

                  • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
                    17 months ago

                    Okay, I get it, you’re just going to keep dodging and refusing to make an actual point no matter what I say.