• MacN'Cheezus
    17 months ago

    Right, that makes sense, although the article doesn’t go into detail about how the server decides when it’s time to delete a message.

    It also doesn’t back up your claim that multiple devices sharing the same account will ever exchange messages amongst each other. Which would be a technical nightmare BTW since they could be located behind firewalls etc. and this still require a central server to coordinate. Might as well keep the middle man in that case and leave the messages on the server until they’ve been retrieved.

    My initial point therefore is mostly correct: messages ARE stored on their servers in encrypted form for an unknown length of time, although likely not forever.

    • Chris Ely
      17 months ago

      The algorithm for when to delete could be very simple: 1) is expired? or 2) the client confirmed download.

      Thinking of it as a shared account is likely wrong. Every device has its own place to check. Exchanging messages doesn’t have to mean direct connections. It doesn’t mean that for Signal.

      The messages temporarily on the server can’t be read by the server, that’s the important difference. They also are not stored forever. The storage costs would grow forever that way.
