It just annoys me because I’m not going to order it and I’m abstaining from alcohol. But there’s always some “special deals” being advertised by UberEats on alcohol, as well as meat, dairy and eggs. It’s like they’re really sleazy and desperate to hawk these products.

    -107 months ago

    Good starting place for an ADA class action lawsuit.

    Oi vey 🙄. The first step is not a lawsuit. Uber probably don’t even know they’re doing this as they will create marketing campaigns at a high level to target a mass audience rather than specifically trying to offend you. That’s just not how these campaigns work.

    A good starting point would be to reach out to their customer team and highlight the issue and see if they can figure out a solution.

    What’s with the straight to the courts ambulance chasing mentality people have rather than trying to reach out and find a solution?

    • @Rivalarrival
      87 months ago

      Large corporate entities like Uber don’t listen until it significantly affects their bottom line. A program to allow customers to tailor advertisements would involve many thousands of dollars to implement and maintain, and the net result would be less customer engagement with their marketing programs.

      The math just doesn’t add up until Uber faces a significant cost for not implementing it.

        -57 months ago

        This sounds like you’ve never worked in the industry or have any insight into this topic. Large companies like Uber absolutely do listen to customer feedback. And if you want it to hit their bottom line you can protest the use of their app until they change, make it a hash tag on social media and drive change by voting with your feet. You don’t need to whip out the lawyers. Lord above, not everything needs to be solved with litigation.

        A program to allow customers to tailor advertisements

        We’re not talking about tailoring advertising. OP stated these are recommendations based on the what he is buying at the time. These are offers. Have you never seen a two for one aisle at your local supermarket? Or special offers on alcohol? It’s not a random advert popping up asking them to buy stuff whilst booking a cab. At the simplest level we’re talking about a setting that says, don’t upsell or market me alcohol (because I may be recovering) or meat (because I may be vegan). That would actually be a selling point for their app and something they could put a positive spin on.

        I genuinely think you don’t understand the problem space here by what your saying or the solutions you’re offering.

        • @Rivalarrival
          7 months ago

          We’re not talking about tailoring advertising. OP stated these are recommendations based on the what he is buying at the time. These are offers.

          That’s advertising.

          That’s targeted advertisement.

          Businesses only listen to customers when it positively affects their bottom line, or when they are forced to do so by regulators.

            -57 months ago

            That’s advertising.

            That’s targeted advertisement.

            It’s really not, mate. Do you think buy one get one free is advertising? Or we have an offer on alcohol today? Or 50% off all cheese?

            You don’t have a clue.

            • @Rivalarrival
              47 months ago


              Yes, all of those are advertising.

              Communicated offers to exchange goods are advertisements.

                -37 months ago

                Well feel free to waste money on a lawsuit as OP suggested because you’ll fail so hard it’ll be funny. Then the courts can tell you it isn’t covered by advertising laws and you’ll finally learn.

                I look forward to reading your court submission.

                • @Rivalarrival
                  37 months ago

                  The cost for them to defend themselves will exceed the cost for them to implement an ADA compliant solution.

                    -37 months ago

                    So feel free to start the challenge and let’s see the change. If you’re so confident then lawyer up, as they say. Force them to implement an ADA compliant solution if you think they’re in breach.

                    Then post the judgement where the court throws it out 😂.

    • Big P
      37 months ago

      Uber doesn’t even care and straight up steals from you if there’s missing food in your order. I doubt minimum wage support employee #7608 is going to care or even have the ability to pass on that information.