“The weapons [neocolonialism] is deploying to surveil, maim and mass murder Palestinians are supplied by the company that operates right here in our city. Elbit Systems, [neocolonialism’s] largest weapons dealer … supplies 85% of [its] drone fleet, along with land-based equipment, bullets, tear gas and internationally banned weapons [cluster and white phosphorus bombs]. Elbit weapons are being used to murder Palestinians right now. We will not let Elbit continue business as usual! . . .

“We will continue to take action to make it impossible for Elbit to operate in Cambridge until Elbit is gone. Shut Elbit Down!” (#ShutElbitDown on X)

  • ReaZ
    2511 months ago

    Since you wrote here that you want the whole region to be nuked I think we’ll pass on your involvement.

    • @Rivalarrival
      111 months ago

      Read a little closer. I said quite the opposite.

      The rest of the world keeps driving them to peace talks, and they all keep walking away. Nobody in the region actually wants peace. They all want to fight. Until that changes, the only way to end the violence is to make glass, and that solution is worse than the problem.

      Taking sides in this is exactly the wrong thing to do. The best option is to make popcorn, sell tickets, and take bets.