Please, please, please, please, please vaccinated your dog. Please. I beg you. If you love them. If you care about them. For your dog’s own sake, please vaccinate them.

    619 months ago

    I have heard people talking completely seriously about their concerns over giving their dogs autism from vaccinations.

    Some people should be made to apologize to every tree they come across for flagrantly wasting the oxygen they so kindly provide us.

    • Flying SquidOP
      259 months ago

      Seriously. What the hell is dog autism? I don’t know a dog out there that is able to understand social cues and most of them don’t want to look you in the eye.

      99 months ago

      Unrelated to the vaccine conversation: I think my dog might have dog autism, truthfully. He’s an awesome sweet weird little guy!

      One time he fell in love with a tree for about a week. There was nothing in it and he would just sit and stare up into it rather than play at the dog park.

      Earlier today my partner and I ran into him with his dog walker and he didn’t recognize us.

      He doesn’t seem to like most petting but loves his ears gently stroked and thinks everyone else does, too. So if he likes you he will go out of his way to lick your ears. It bothers him when my hat covers mine.

      If you put a blanket over his head he will lie down and fall asleep rather than try to get out from under it.

      • Bebo
        39 months ago

        He sounds like a perfectly weird little derp. Dog tax please?