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A high-speed, high-risk police chase over a nothing violation like this is an obscenity. I will never understand why people are willing to put up with it — why police aren’t fired, prosecuted, and jailed.

  • Neuromancer
    21 year ago

    The risk seems to be growing for accidents. I use to have no issue with chases but more and more they are ending in disaster.

    Since many new cars have a gps. Why chase? We just need to open that up to cops when the car is stolen. They could then just wait till it’s stopped to make the arrest.

    I use to be more tolerant of chases but not anymore. The risk isn’t worth the reward.

    • @Rivalarrival
      -71 year ago

      Setting the precedent that criminals merely need to do dangerous shit to avoid all consequences for their crimes will produce for worse outcomes.

      Chase them harder, stop them faster. The most I would be willing to compromise is statutory leniency for immediate compliance.

      • Neuromancer
        51 year ago

        I didn’t suggest that. What I suggested is catching them later when there is less risk to other people.

        • @Rivalarrival
          -41 year ago

          Who are you going to catch? GPS tracks the car, not the joyriding prick who stole it.

          • Neuromancer
            31 year ago

            Yes and when the car stops. Now you can arrest the person.

            • @Rivalarrival
              -21 year ago


              They drove off at a hundred miles an hour, and you didn’t chase them. They are miles away when they decide to ditch the car and run.

              How are you going to arrest him when he gets out?

              What stops him from repeating this performance the following day? Or the next?

              With all the cars he’s going to be stealing, and police deliberately avoiding him, how are they goin to catch him when he hits a kid?

              • Neuromancer
                51 year ago

                Do you think a car is worth the death of another person ? I don’t.

                Since the car is tracked on a map. You can follow them without causing a high speed pursuit. If you can’t then let them go.

                How are you going to arrest them? Like they always do with handcuffs.

                You keep trying to state something I never said. When did I say the cops should avoid them? I said they don’t need a high speed pursuit.

                I was a cop for many years. We don’t do high speed pursuits except in grave situations. We normally used a helicopter to track the car and waited until they stopped, ran out of gas or contain them in a safe area.

                It’s not that complicated.

                • 520
                  1 year ago

                  The car is NOT tracked on a map. That’s not how GPS works.

                  GPSes work by calculating their position from three satellites. They don’t share that position unless they’re using Google or Apple maps, and to get that data even with a warrant, you need to know their Google/Apple ID. Which you don’t have in a situation like this.