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ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That’s a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."

  • Blindsite
    1 month ago

    I don’t think most reasonable people need to be compelled to support their community, and as I mentioned above scrutiny is necessary.

    I agree. Which is yet another reason I don’t think taxation is ethical or necessary to create social safety nets.

    However, I think plutocrats are unreasonable because they were never made to grow beyond the stage most of us do when we learn not everything belongs to us. They should be compelled to first be treated for their maladaptive development and then to join us in society when they understand why they should.

    First of all this is one of those examples of the utilization of violence I was talking about. Oh there is x group of people that are not contributing for y reason so let’s use force to make them do it. It doesn’t matter if they’re maladaptive greedy assholes! The point is you’re making an excuse to initialize violence against someone who is otherwise engaging in voluntary consensual action. Their only crime is that they aren’t doing what you want them to do. Furthermore you can’t have a plutocrat without government and a monopoly on violence in the first place so your logic here is rather circular. Let’s get rid of rule by money by creating a monopoly on violence which can then be subverted by the highest bidder. But without a monopoly on violence then there is nothing to bid on and/or there is greater competition.

    Violence from whom? So much of liberal capitalism is completely constructed and depends entirely on participation of members who have faith in that system.

    Government is by definition a monopoly on violence. What happens when you DON’T have faith in the system? Can you unsubscribe from democracy? Can you retract your vote? Can you withdraw consent? Can you unsubscribe from funding government services by not paying taxes? Wait no because if you don’t pay taxes you’re locked up and violence is initiated against you! By what right did the U.S. acquire all that land from the various First Nations? It either committed genocide or signed very one sided shady deals that it barely honors to this day. How did Britain acquire Ireland, Scotland and Whales and become the UK? Conquest straight up. Force of arms. Democracy is a new thing. And when Scotland wanted to run a democratic referendum for its independence England blocked it. So much for democracy. You think it would be any different in America? Your so called democratic system is just as corrupt what with the Electoral College. But this is beside the point. Democracy is a method to determine what to do with a monopoly on violence. In a voluntary society people are free to just leave. Leave the organization, forum, sports team, whatever. So as long as there is a centralization of all the guns and no one can opt out or refuse to pay taxes and support the system then yeah regardless of whether it’s a royal edict or a democratic decision any law passed is an assertion of violence, veiled or not.

    Look say you have 5 friends. If they all agree on a rule then yes arguably that’s a law between them. But if someone disagrees then that person should still have the choice to leave the group and withdraw their support. It’s NOT a law unless they agree. If the four remaining friends chain up the fifth and make him stay and compell obedience that’s violence and unethical.

    I’m still trying to figure out why anyone would consider China a communist country if they’re arguing in good faith.

    Because their 1 party system is called the China Communist Party? And yes their system is trending towards authoritarianism but then the same happened in Russia/U.S.S.R. when communism was attempted there. Honestly I don’t think communism can be a thing so long as human governance is used to moderate it. Maybe if you tried creating a DAO and an AI to objectively redistribute funds so there wouldn’t be any ego involved it might work but so long as there are humans managing things there is always going to be a class dynamic and power-tripping, and therefore communism will fail. Best to get rid of government and distribute things from the get go. Less central planning more mesh networking etc. Marx didn’t have the internet or computer code.