
Another memo about my failure as an adult. At the warehouse I’m working lots of the package and merch are hearts, plushies, and similar heart shaped stuff, plus some Xmas decorations for some fucking reason…

Is there any way to escape it? I guess not. I probably wouldn’t think too much about it if I was younger but since last week was my bday ready to remind me that I’m getting old… This back to back just crushes me.

  • Allero
    2 months ago

    Is it a failure, though?

    Do you desire closeness, or do you want to fit into societal script?

    Relationships ain’t all shine and rainbows, and while they certainly contain nice experiences like these, all those hearts and butterflies, they are not a constant bliss, and many people in relationships actually crave some more time alone, of which you have plenty.

    That said, I understand how lonely it may feel, and am with you. If you actually want it, you’ll get it, I promise. Some people find their love at 20, some at 40, some at 60 - it’s alright. But if you’re only driven by the fear of missing out or societal pressure to live by the script - leave it, it’s not worth it.