• MonkeMischief
    2 months ago

    berated during a meeting with my boss a month later

    A MONTH later. I’m willing to bet it didn’t even impact anything, and boss wouldn’t even have remembered it happened at all if they didn’t scribble it down in their little black book.

    Good job getting the heck out of there.

    I had a boss like this too. Would never just talk to me about any concerns, they would act like everything is fine and then suddenly blindside me with a laundry list of petty complaints they’ve logged over like 4 months.

    All it proved was they spent more time side-eyeing my work and spying on me than doing their actual job. When they weren’t wandering off to the other side of the building chatting up other management about nothing, for hours on end, while I handled their job too, alone every day, of course.

    Not all people are bad. But the intersection between stupid and evil tends to converge in management.