China has imposed an export ban on dual-use products to 28 U.S. defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, and General Dynamics, in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.
Ten firms were barred from trade and investments in China.
Beijing condemned the arms sales, citing violations of the One China principle and threats to Taiwan Strait stability.
The ban follows Taiwan’s recent receipt of advanced U.S. military equipment, including Abrams tanks, as the island bolsters its defenses against China’s military activities.
I imagine Washington and Beijing are probably in some degree of concurrence about US defense contractors not having a supply chain that goes through China.
Not really, they’re the one country besides Israel that the US will never invade or go to war with, since it would permanently end the US economy.
Note China needs American money just as much as America needs Chinese junk.
Actually they don’t. Their own middle class is outspending the US, and brics ensures the US isnt ever the primary consumer market ever again.
The U.S. spent over half a trillion dollars on Chinese goods in 2022. You’re telling me they don’t need that?
The country with a 17 trillion usd GDP? Yeah the half trillion in exports isn’t that important.
Sorry… 5% of their GDP isn’t that important?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Correct, 5% of GDP, specifically from the private sector, would not effect China. It’d make some investors mad, but no one would lose their home, no one would starve, hell they wouldn’t even be out of work unless they refused public sector jobs - of which there are nearly twice as many as private sector jobs.
This is some real ignorance of basic macroeconomics.
You realise that during the great recession GDP dropped by less than 5% in the US right?
I will never not laugh at BRICStards. BRICS is and always will be a joke. It’s a fabrication by Goldman Sachs that needy despots latched onto and are trying to manifest into reality because they’re jealous of not being part of NATO.
It’s not really a NATO “common defense” analogue and more of a G7-style economic partnership among countries not in the G7.
NATO has nothing to do with brics. Given you have no idea how Chinas economy works I guess I shouldn’t have expected you to know the difference between economic and military pacts.
Over half the world’s GDP and population are a part of brics btw.
NATO is not only military. It never has been. It’s ideological.
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Oh sorry I didn’t realize this was a parody account — carry on.
Coming in HOT with the delusions this morning.My bad, this is a shitposting account guys. It’s just jokes.
I think you misunderstand the complexity of the situation. The US would go to war on behalf of our economic interest and allies depending on the leadership, but not likely initiate itat the moment. China is under immense pressure of a different type and may use military might in the future to change it’s power, but both have challenge which make your statement too black and white to be valid. It’s more gray.
The following are all Foreign Affair, but give good long form context to current challenges.
The 1800s want their predictions back
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The chances of the US shooting its own dick by deciding to invade another country can sometimes be low, but they’re never zero.