I’d like to get back into playing video games, but I don’t want to have to sign up for an online service like Steam or Ubisoft Connect.

I love technical sandbox games like Scrap Mechanic, especially if they have a “creative mode” that allows me to just make stuff.

  • tal
    4 months ago

    Open source does help keep games be forward-ported and playable, but I can think of at least a couple of open-source games that I remember playing that I don’t see any more.

    • Nighthawk, an open-source [Paradroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradroid1 clone, was in Red Hat Linux 5.2, IIRC, but seems to have fallen out of Linux distros at some point.

    • Lacewing, an Asteroids-genre game done by Linley Henzell, the guy who did Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, was definitely ported to Linux at some point, as I remember running it, but I haven’t seen it in distros for a long time. A successor game he made, Overgod, does appear to be in current Debian.