Last June, fans of Comedy Central – the long-running channel behind beloved programmes such as The Daily Show and South Park – received an unwelcome surprise. Paramount Global, Comedy Central’s parent company, unceremoniously purged the vast repository of video content on the channel’s website, which dated back to the late 1990s.

  • MonkeMischief
    6 months ago

    “Alright kids settle down…you wanted to know about the 90’s right?”

    • A 24k screen pops to life, accesses the file server, a super fuzzy image comes to life. A funky beat fills the room. -

    "Now this is the story all about how,

    My life got flipped-turned upside down,

    And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there,

    I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air."