(With a Linux version or at least works good with Proton) Edit: just bought disco Elysium, going to post updates in the comments when I try it tomorrow. It’s on sale until tomorrow in case anyone is going to purchase it.

  • ouRKaoS
    7 months ago

    If we’re breaking out the old school SNES RPGs, there’s a list of great ones, with Chrono Trigger being the top 5.

    Others (in no particular order):

    • Secret of Mana
    • Secret of Evermore
    • Zelda: Link to the past
    • Illusion of Gaia
    • Breath of Fire (1-3)
    • Actraiser ( not 2, though…)

    That’s off the top of my head, I’m sure I’ll remember more later, but that’s easily 100+ right there.